Kikikoeka SLAC Server update

QuoteThere is a NEW PUBLIC SLAC SERVER called /<ikikoeka SLAC PUBLIC.

Ip of the server :

Why this server?
- First of all it is a nice public server and its with slac (16 slots).
- Hosted in the UK, nice and stable ping no lagg.
- The server looks like BiO with the maprotation of 5 maps: supply, delivery, radar, goldrush and adlernest. So each map you play 2 rounds, and after the map there will be a automatic XP shuffle to make the teams fair.
- And there won't be retarded admins kicking everybody :)

Hope to see you in the server x)


We removed radar from de rotation and added the new map pirate.
Shit admins, talking everytime
Or you can put Radar back and ADD pirate.
fuck you radar is fun
add pirates
OMG, you removed Radar? Although I will not even play ET, you made a mistake. Radar is the best stock map imo, followed by Oasis. SW_GR is ofc better, and SW_OASIS is better, but still...memories on Radar + Oasis....

Bring back Oasis and Radar to your server, and I may play now and then. Having me on your server is amazing, as I'm amazing.

Als jij admin bent, dan weet ik al wel weer genoeg ":D"
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