good morning vietnam #19

already woke up, eating the first meal 125 g of chicken breast and 85 g of rice, protein shake in 30 min and already going to work.. really shit feeling to wake up at 5 am when everyone is steel sleeping.. hard times for my soul. Your plans for today guys?
atm listening to;
"steel" sleeping?! cant confirm. gimme some other rappers (non PL) please

e: dunno my daily plan tbh...will build one bed i guess :d
edited anyway

and: your reply was awesome! GURU RIP!
nah honestly, gonna go to bed for 5 hours now, then again will try to build some new bed for my GF
have a nice day !
goodnight japan
85g rice?
pics of ur body plz
woke up, got an annoying nosebleed for some reason, boss picking me up to work in ten and trying to stop the motherfucker for bleeding before that, should also visit gas station for cigs but I dont think Ill make it

beatles - here comes the sun
made me feel better
Did coke much this weekend??
obviously enough since my nose started bleeding again when I came home -.-
ye i had that yesterday :D:D
we're prolly just experiencing our very first periods and becoming big girls
yes that must be it! that i didn't think of that... how exciting !!!
oh my .. .(::)(:)::(:):
sitting at work, party hard.
@work,coffe ,just ate 2 cookies.sun outside shining so not a nice day to work ,will be just another wasted day on job :)
i woke up 04.10 to go to work so shut up :<
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