new age of empires

the graphics make me want to kill myself and the company which made them

but damn cool idea anyway
Graphics are very nice, thats exactly what I want from legend game as online version. Would you like more some techporndetailedmustbeasrealaspossible -graphs?
what the fuck? if you enjoy graphics aimed at children then have fun
If you like graphs so much, go to forest and enjoy ur ne wage of empires ultra realistic graphs. Though u would need all data implemented to that forest so u could play your graphic game in the forest with ultra real graphs.
No, seriously, you are one fucking tard thinking graphs = game. Noone gives a fuck abouth graphs. Gameplay is what I want from game. The last one I have found is ET.
didnt even bother reading

noones talking about realistic graphics, i just dont want to play something that looks like total cartoon or whatever you would call it, the style is just simply childish
There is a difference between low/not detailed graphisms and cartoon/child-ish graphisms
What do you want? the game to be totally different from what it was?
btw, epic details will make it laggy as hell
please recoganize the difference, the old style wasnt bad
imo, neither is this one
It's not that bad, I was sceptical too, though.
i used to play Age of empires (the first one) before they shut down Zone and kill the game and i have to say i dont like one bit this "new" aoe, graphics are shit, and as u say boss gameplay> all , but this kid-like graphics ruin the game, i would rather go play old aoe1 than this , just because the childish graphics ., i dont think "superior" means that he want more realism in graphics lol, he just said the graphics are childish and i agree, that game is shit cuz of that and well cuz its dead long time ago.

Btw if any old aoe1 player wants to play it a bit ( i mean the aoe1 ) let me know, i used to play NS, manhunt, choson, and pretty much any of the competitive styles.
Looks fun... wish they'd modelled it on aoe2 though! How do you get on the beta?
QuoteQ: When will Age of Empires Online be available?
A: Age of Empires Online will release exclusively on Games for Windows – LIVE in 2011. Currently, our Closed Beta is up and running.

not available I guess
out of beta keys, they might make new or not
pm me if you need help to lvl up :D
Looks nice to be honest :)
i've been playing it with a mate and it's surprisingly fun! lots of co-op missions.
I only find one problem with it, on a lower level (since this game you do need to level up your city) some missions tend to be repetitive... but nevertheless its still much fun.
Graphics wise I dont mind the cartoony style.
And I just got my beta account a couple of days ago, its open beta not closed as far as I know.
kinda copy paste of Age of Mythology 1
yes , but age of mythology 1 is less shit than this
ofc lol, was one of the best strategy games i played :P
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