error slac

the selected game executable is not compatible with slac' :C ? help me
1. go to search
2. type in slac problem
3. take first one
4. read
5. ????
6. profit
5. ??? = applying that which you have read to solve your own problem

polaks usually find this extremely hard
krychA cannot into SLAC.
krychA cannot into SLAC.
this is not a slac forum
No, this is a website browed by hundreds of ET players who maybe issued once the mentioned problem and who therefore are completely able to give proper answers. Fucktard.
there is proper slac forum / support center

Yea, and there are proper forums to discuss about computers problems. About drum'n'bass. About best shoes you can buy. HOWEVER, people make journals about those subjects here. Slac is just one more subject. Period
seems like i m the only 1 who tried to help u and instead of that what was your answer:

Quote: unforgiven
u need 2.6b to run the slac.
your answer
Quoterly ?...

yes mate.u probably have 2.55.otherwise i can t find any reason for that error.

your answer:

Quoteim not random dude. -.-

well with this being said,i wish u good luck
please stop trolling
gtfo cheater.

Will never forget how u and that retard hacked..
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