you know what I think, Brink

i think most of you are slagging BRINK of because your machines are lowtech and can only manage to play ET with 125fps. Instead of spending your £5 pocket money on pop tarts which your mother gives you, save up and buy a new PC.

FUCK YEAH, thats what I say :)

people are listening to retards whos pcs cant handle it. Or was expecting it to be exact same as ET. its a different game with the ET teamwork improved what more do people want.
ET teamwork improved
i like it eventho im playing with 20fps tops.
with everything on max i get 90ish fps , which doesnt make the game any better , no dogfight movements, and just space and w for oh so skilled "parkout shit"

the whole game is a joke.
your american tho, so you have no opinion.
everyone has an opinion, it's just nobody listens to the americans :O)
so much fail in this game, waiting for the mods and patches and then try again
I think brink is gonna sink.
Yeah man, I think when I first saw Brink I had to blink because movement felt like I was on a rink and the objectives did stink. Every single player model looks like a gink, especially the chink. You can't even dress them in pink mink! At least you can hit people during a jink.
I'd rather spend my 5€ pocket money on pop tarts and booze and nights out with friends than a computer for a game which actually DOES have a shitty engine.
you can't say that.

i got a good PC and an ATI card, even with the latest patch shit I still get like 5-10 fps max and it's fucking unplayable, haven't had the chance to test it before they fix that shit, until that, the game is fucking shit.
People can't handle that there will NOT be a game like ET. ET is everything you ever wanted from a FPS game, and there is no way to make better game than that. You people should face the truth that Brink is not ET2. You won't find a game besides Brink that gives you so much fun like ET did. ET became more and more boring by years, it's time to change people. Go and play Brink.
why does everyone pretend to know everything?
that must be it
i have machine
watched 2 ours of live stream of the game

when brinkpr0 is released (if in next 2 months) will try brink myself for a whole afternoon (liking it at first sight or not)
=will see how it goes
i'd try it with a better machine :)
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