teamspeak3 crashes

My teamspeak crashed pretty often most times it crashes ingame.
If it crashes im able to hear my teammates but they cant hear me anymore.
Some screens for example.

image: ts3
First i get this if i dont click ok i can keep hear my mates for hours.

image: ts32
If i click ok teamspeak3 closes and i get this windows msg

image: ts33
After clicking "dont send" there is a new Textfile created in the folder "Eigene Datein" -> own files

need help ..
read = profit.
read the document maybe u can understand why it crashed :o
Happens to me too sometimes.Not too often so it doesn't matter.
you need to update so you get the woman her voice.
cant even upadte :D get an 3RROR
Well that might be the problem. Reinstall perhaps? You can always get the latest version from the website.
ive reinstalled it 3 times allready and ive got this problems from the beginning of teamspeak3^^
might aswell get rid of that shit os :D
its because ur german
as u can see down u dont have internet :D
got windows xp
get ventizor and try again
reinstall -.-
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