facepalm @ Altintop

Hamit Altintop goes to Real Madrid :D

4 years contract !!! HAHAHA
3000000€/year :D HAHAHAAA


facepalm also on:

Emmanuel Adebayor
Lassana Diarra
Mesut Özil

and others randoms
Lassana Diarra, facepalm ? YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME AHAH
we are talking about real madrid dude, not random low french teams

do you know galacticos?? nothing close to galacticos right now
wtf ? like who should they buy, they just renewed their squad before this season...
barca for example is playing together for years..
maybe known and skilled players?? like they always did before??
known and skilled doesnt make a team ;o
look @ borussia dortmund

youngest team ever = german champions,
next season, easy bash @ champions league

final again in munich, like 1997

<3 BVB <3
care, its real madrid as i said ;D!
No football sense at all so gtfo.
Haters gonna hate.
turks gonna pwn this again.

mesut & hamit <3
real stealin' our turks!
where is the problem

there is something going on!
bei dem Kapitaleinsatz können sie auch gleich den Rest nach Spanien nehmen..
sigh. well at least he can play on different position? are those wages before taxes? sure hope so.
hamit can play nearly every position
but he also cant play any position
the objective opinion of a munich supporter
how much was he making for you guys?

ot: why would he get the start in the CL final (k ribery out but still, there were other options) if hes THAT bad :D
im turk and munich supporter. tbh i SHOULD be sad that he leaves, but
he is soooo freaking slow.
he isnt able to win any 1vs1.
he has no ideas and cant pass a single ball.
he had no chance to replace robben or anyone else in the team, because his playingstyle just didnt fit to bayern.

but he has also some advantages:
he is a fighter
has a great shot
can play a lot of positions
very sympathic

well i hope that he can make some nice games in madrid, but i doubt it. i guess he just wanted to earn some money..
think hes aware of the fact that he is a backup, but given the fact that there surely be some injuries, he'll get some chances. dont see him replacing any first teamer tho. who knows a change of atmosphere might do him well :p
Why would Real Madrid buy a player like Altintop only to put him on the bench?

I don't get this transfer. And now they have already Sahin & altintop, last year ozil & khedira. How many more midfieldders do they need remembering they already have ronaldo, xabi alonso, kaka, , diarra, etc...
squad depth and his versatility + likely leaving of lass/gago is all i can think off. don't get me wrong. im not happy wiht this transfer either
They already have squad depth. They actually need to buy a topclass player like Tevez or a hard working teamplayer to fully implement Mourinho's tactics. Altintop doesn't fit in either. Both sahin & altintop seems to be a bit like Ozil/di Maria. Good but I don't think they work hard enough (don't fall back every time after an attack) nor are they good enough to be part of the attacking front from a team like Real Madrid.
stupid choice, its not like hes ever gonna play anyway
but he gets the money
Haha. Real is one big fail:)
why does football players get so much money,while real heroes, internet progamers dont get almost nothing?
not even funny
TurkeyReal Madrid
^ trudat

Turkey invading soccer scene np
Er's umsonst und tam mies überall einsetzbar. Da kann man nix falsch machen. :o]
Tbh, i would like to just chill around on the bench and get my money for nothing.

- cool work.
old news
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