going to get some muscles!

it is a bench and bicep day!

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only problem is that this exercise works on your chest and some triceps,less on biceps
Muscles are for people with self-esteem problems and other issues, for a normal people decent shape is enough.
i disagree mate.if u check history way way back like hercules for example...u gonna realise that only few ppl get chance to be born with so amazing dna that they actually look ok.making sport to shape your body is not bad at all.
I think you missunderstood me. I think people look good even without muscles, just normal fit, and why not some extra, I personally dont mind. In my opinion your concept of beauty is about muscles and some hercules-quote to add that, you should fix your attitude imo.

But thats just my twisted and narrow-minded vision, I think it is enough if person himself/herself is happy. For me it is enough that I just move enough to maintain my current state and stay healthy.
i dont say u need to look like arnold

but read this anyway : http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/sex-and-relationship-tips/
consider it a hobby, like growing plants ur growing muscles.
I guess you are trolling anyway
Why would I troll about this? Am I so how making myself look like an idiot because of that statement?
don't mind him, he's too stupid to understand your point
"I think people look good even without muscles, just normal fit, and why not some extra, I personally dont mind. In my opinion your concept of beauty is about muscles and some hercules-quote to add that, you should fix your attitude imo."

That's what you think though. If someone feels like they're too skinny, they can fix that by adding some mass. If someone feels like they're too short, they can't do fuck all about it. The vast majority of people who attend just want to look better, I don't see why that's problem.

D'you honestly think guys give a fuck whether you think they look good without muscles or not? If girls find a large chest/arms attractive, or a lean, athletic figure, that's what they're going to try to have.

I don't bodybuild, but I do lift weights. There's a key difference, before a comment is made.
Dont get mad.

I know you've been to gym lately because you found out that anime doesnt attract girls like you hoped.

Keep up the good work mate :)
Why does everyone think I like anime? Is it because I was called hentai? :(
He wears skate shoes and hoodies, do not take offense!
Dont just pick some quotes and over-simplify my rant. And I didnt say anything about weight-lifting and keeping the shape & stamina, just about the types of weight-lift-to-get-looks-muscle. Not that that was Altsis point here.
You're forgetting not everybody can grow awesome facial hair - bodybuilding is their alternative.
Oh you. I am porcelain nowadays, I guess I have to go to gym too...
Doesn't matter if you're clean shaven at the moment, you still have The Gift.

i partially agree, its not bad to have Some muscles you cann show but having arms like ur arnold schwarzenegger or smthing is fucking bullshit, i cant believe ppl actually like that.. except for those low educated teenage mom girls with brains the size of peanuts cut in half.

sensitive subject?
Hercules was not a real man, so there is no history there.

Instead, you are talking about mythology.
is about the example that he represents.perfect man and what that means.and i can assure u,that even if he did not do what legends said,still many historics claims that the legend of hercules was inspired by a real man.btw,all legends has some historical truth in it...
dont pls me,pls yourself...

another old latin motto for you: Mens sana in corpore sano
and that is why i run, go gym, boxing etc - i'm the best. but pls
is very good if u do that,but pls me what?i dont get that...open your mouth and spit exactly what u wanna say,word pls can have many meanings.
all legends do most certainly not have some historical truth in them...
based on what ,u say this?do u have a history degree,did u studied the subject,was u even once in your life closed to this matter?
pure reasoning. lets take some random "legend of haunted castle" as an example and you can reply me when you found some historical thruth about the matter. Ofc we must assume that "historical thruth" means the same as truth hence being true, otherwise historical thruth could be just a legend=legend which is not valid answer in this case. (Definition of true: being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact)

So all legends may have some historical believes (read. things that were considered thruths back in the days) in them. Not truths whatsoever.
i m to lazy to search on internet about this manssion from uk i think,which also was subject of a discovery documentary...btw u choosed to talk about a different subject.legend of haunted house is not quite a legend,since even in present there are pictures,films and ppl who are study this intensively.but talking about mytology and it s legends,pls make some research and u will see all big legends of the world,has some truth in it.
1. Stories about ghosts, loch ness monster, zeus etc are all legends so no i didn't change the subject.

2. Some truth as "jesus walked on water - water is real, so jesus walking on water is based on some historical truths".

This conversation is over :D
1.can u proove the opposite?
2.there are ppl walking on water check discovery channel

i rest my case
I can't play football, and other ball games. So i have to go gym and do something there!

bodybuilding is for midgets. that's how they solve their lack of height complex.
so tall bodybuilders feel short?
i meant generally. don't play dumb
I _rarely_ see anyone pick up weights below 175cm. Sure that's only ~average height, but, you know, just saying... your point is retarded
no u're retarded cause u're probably in the midget category and u don't wanna confess u have a height complex and now u're bullshitting me here that there's no such thing, but there is. and minimal male height is 180 cm, bellow that are fucking napoleons like u.
i'm 178cm and i'd like to be taller :(
So everyone who is shorter than average are doomed to have height complex if they start training? :D There surely are some but thats a small minority.
no, BECAUSE of height complex they start training
Its a hobby just like football or riding a bike.
A blonde meets alexL at the bar and they go back to his apartment for some fun.
He takes off his shirt and the blonde says, "What a great chest you have."
He tells her, "That's 100 lbs. of dynamite, baby."

He takes off his pants and the blonde says, "What massive calves you have." alexL tells her,
"That's to carry around a 100 lbs. of dynamite, baby."

He then removes his underwear and the blonde goes running out of the apartment screaming in fear.

alexL puts his clothes back on and chases after her. He catches up to her and asks why she ran out of the apartment like that.

The blonde replies, "I was afraid to be around all that dynamite when I saw how short the fuse was!
how can u know his fuse is short :D?
Are you really as stupid as it seems? oO
stupid is that who makes stupid things.between u and me dont know who is more stupid :)
Well the comment you just posted referring to razza's joke was stupid as hell so i think we all can draw our own conclusions.
as u said it was a joke.so was my comment.but since u are 666 u can t get that...u are to busy figure it out how u gonna take over the world.i m gonna repeat myself so your parents can hear me too:between u and me ,dont know who is more stupid
It's pointless to start a discussion with you it seems -.-
u did not started a discussion with me fuckin kiddo.u insulted me calling me stupid.now pls mister shitbringer666 gtfo my dick.
haha faggot raging :DDDD
dont know if u realise but u actually prooved your iq level.

dont forget im from serbia ;)
going for planche pushup

going for 95kg bench & 140kg deadlift tomorrow

probs gonna fail
what is 80kg
im going for 80kg bitchbody
10kg jump on death lift?
hammer curlz? more like pumpin DAT_BRACHIORADIALIS amirite?
Muscles are overrated.
I have a big penis, don't need muscles.
Am I the only one who thinks that bodybuilding is fucking gay?
Naah, Im pretty sure you arent only one here with problems with their sexual orientation.
alright then
bodybuilding is gay, go eat some pills to become pumped, ill smash u on a rugby tackle and ur body will explode. coz im real nd ur not.
Too much isolation m8
what's that
isolation exercises work 1 muscle e.g. bicep burls, tricep extensions

as opposed to compound exercises which work multiple e.g. deadlifts, squats, barbell rows
The only reason i do it is to get a bit bigger so that when i play rugby or lacrosse im stronger giving me the "edge" when it comes to smashing the fuck out of someone :)

Other than that i dont really like the gym to many people go in there and are constantly looking at themselves in the mirror!!
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