"u mad"

It is really depressing to think how efficient oneliner "u mad" is. No matter what you try to come back with, you sound like you are getting angrier - "madder" and therefore the one who said the first line is winner of the argument.

Not answering anything and going completely silent isnt good either because then the person thinks he won the argument and you cant make up anything good to say back.

I remember when Kamz last time actively spammed Xfire and had argues with every second Xfire user. He used u mad every time and opponents were left helpless. Poor sobs.


And I almost know what the first few comments in this journal will consist of and theres nothing I can do about it.

image: okay

Relaxing tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xa2wHCErJ8
image: arguingontheinternet

Somewhat-related stuff.

Nowadays when you make a complete fool of yourself by being or saying something stupid or acting like an idiot, people tend to go "lol, trolling hard". Damn thats retardish.
nice troll mate
you jelly? :d
+1 you win sir.
ur just stupid if "u mad" offends you..
WHERE BRAIN SLARTO^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
dont worry, im here

lets hug

image: tumblr_lizhozFjNY1qcin3j
Cg_teamchatonly 1
Proprem¿¿¿ trollface.jpg
what if someone is sayin it on ts?
oh shi-
didnt think about that
song is funny
after someone said u mad i say always No YOU! with a laugh after :D
that is so cool.
answer "that's the last thing SHE said :]"
Stopped reading after first sentence.
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