Hardest riddle ever

So here comes the hardest riddle ever, 80% of kindergartners solved this riddle, but only 5% of Stanford graduates figured it out.
Can you awnser the following question?

What is it:

It has 7 letters,
It is greater then god,
It is more evil then the devil,
Poor people have it,
Rich people need it,
If you eat it, you will die

What is it?

Better luck next time
i know the answer but im not going to say it cause everything is real which is greater than god
its 10am im ready to eat some christians !
i dont know how to spell the sound of twenty children running away from mr wolf but heres a try

There was a teacher in my old school called mr.wolf.. and he had these huge eyebrows and hairy hands, it was quite funny.
there was a teacher in my school called mr hoy and he took me to the pub for my work experience review session and got me a cab home!
i had a teacher names Ms Maes and she got drunk on a school trip and started asking the studens for cigarettes
I had a teacher called Mr. Fister and he touched me.
Oh those are so retardish, "only 5% of the people can solve this...", way to make idiots think they are smart. Stop encouraging them!
you can easily google that stuff, poor effort
What would be the interest then ? :DD
i am greater than god...
Stanford graduates cannot into google. :(
PS: The statistics are made up.
asshole is eatable!
lickable at best
it has 7 letters and is greater than god

Nothing. thats probably the easiest riddle ive ever seen.
but you're smart and educated like a boss
pretty sure i can come up with a riddle you cannot so easily solve :p
like a baws. wel ye some riddles are just ridiculous lol.
Everything rationaly proven is greater than God, so basically this riddle's answer is not 'nothing'.
Descartes proved God's existence rationally

(based on wrong assumptions tho)
7² = 49
(3 + 4)² = 49
3² + 4² = 49
9 + 16 = 49
25 = 49

something like this?
More like

1+1 = 2
I am a wizard
2+2 = 4
Because 2+2 = 4, I must be a wizard
So because I am a wizard, 1+1 must be 2 because of spaghetti monster.

I'm not even kidding.
you are right. well more like
first he states god is real (cba giving reasoning)

then he states everything he thinks is true Because god is real (meaning he said god was real without being sure everything he states is real) carthesian circle for you
I'm studying philosophy so I know about the God's existence theory, and I must agree it's real & can't be reversed. (don't know the right english word) But it's wrong, some dutch philosopher explained. The problem is he used the perfect logical reasoning (by the books even), but it's wrong. :D
well thats basicly what i tried to say in English

hij bewijst eerst god (er moet een 'goed' opperwezen zijn) en dan bewijst hij adhv zijn godsbewijs dat wat hij denkt/bewijst waarheid is. dus over zijn bewijs van god is niet geweten of het waarheid is, dus aan zijn godsbewijs moet hij twijfelen en bijgevolg ook aan zijn bewijs van waarheid. zo gaat hij redeneren in de bekende carthesiaanse cirkel.

klopt toch iets of wat?
ja klopt in grote lijnen. :)
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