Kris ET Movie 2

lol, that was fast.
nice :)
downloading, started @ nearly 2mb going down :> holding steady at 964kb omg nice :D
Nice server 1100 kb/sec :-)
idd cdap ftw
1099 kb/s
nice server :D
omg this better be gd

lol jking kris never fails to impress ;)
damn this is fast :o

edit: nice movie :-)
own-age got revamped:O
Waiting for Vamp!'s comment
1. didnt wait for it as its not by me LOL

2. hi2u kris

3. stop downloading fags

4. frags = good, rest sux

watched part of it:

hardly any sync, no good in general, ugly gfx just one word:
btw ure gna watch that frag @ 5:00 in the nd movie gain BUT THIS TIME IN HIGHQUALITY! :o]

what a waste of frags :<
Talking about graphics, I almost vomitted at the config used in Tiigeri's movie. :)

Expecting better in the Hungaryfuture!
so do i :P no im pretty sure i learned a lot since then :D
agree, frags were nice, but there were frags, that were used in trailer already, and that old team-nd the movie frag :)
70kbps =<
n1 wayne :)
wow great movie, loved the graphics at intro looked like cod2 + aa and sumpersampling abuse xD would have been great if you could have used them throughout your movie.
Don't you know a shit about ET movies and moviemaking, or do you just ignore the reality and try to lick as much ass as you can?
yeh the animation at the start was really nice, so i pointed that out, is it really nessecary for me to say that the "actual" movie config was shit ? Because just about everyone else has said it so.... Where as your comment

it fucking sucked omg

Grow the fuck up you immature moron of a kid, seriously.
nice movie, but graphics sux :O
Demo + MP3.

Its recommended using songs which weren't used in fifty other movies and syncing them to the actual scenes.

Plus, try using diffrent settings for diffrent maps (see SpecialDelivery scene).

4\10 :/
intro was fine but the movie was a bit sucky.
demo + mp3 :<.
config wasn't the greatest also.
frags were great.
what happened to cointozz anyway?
doing the team-nd movie
stop downloading the movie,im getting low kb/s
very nice frags, but that's all
really, really nice frags 8|
bad quality unfortunately
omg, how slow :(
sux :x
ive got a problem everytime i now try to exec a movie downloaded from swertcw or this on i ALWAYS get errors since a few weeks or so .. it says CRC not correct ... kris.mp4 has been damaged :x
Prison break is better =)
downloading :D edit:nice frags ;)
was really good but the quality really let it down.

couldn't even do AA 4x?
nice kris
bleh, such nice frags and so low quality..and those black screens in the middle of nothing just to synch a frag, i'd rather no synch, but at least the black screens were off :(
frags rocked
Frags 10/10
quality 5/10
intro sucked :P
Frags: 9/10 just great kills
Editing: 9/10 nice gfx, nice ideas but the crossover from scene to scene was a bit shitty
Music: 1/10 you destroyed the whole feeling to the movie with it..

All in all a very nice Movie but pls change ur fucking sound taste!
editing 9/10 plz? was war daran besonders herausragend?
Muss ja nicht immer mega super special sein. Es war aber gut gemacht und kam für mich angenehm rüber. Außerdem ist 10/10 ja hervorrangend für mich ^^
didnt like the movie at al :)

but frags 9/10 :)

great movie frags
awesome frags, 10/10 for sure :) (for the frags ofc)
frags 10/10
intro 8/10

everything else 1/10
I liked it, very nice!
welcome to AA and AF!
Nice frags !
Frags are REALY GOOD
editing issnt :<
You couldnt have picked even cheasyer music even if you would have put disturbed :/ Frags were nice, otherwise the movie was pretty bad imo
the shown frags are nice, but the quality just sucked....:/This made the movie at least for me not enjoyable.
bullshit, it calls a FRAGmovie not a HIGHLIGHTmovie,

you're right the gfx was not so nice but fucking bullshit to say the movie was shit because that, fo
ever learned to respect other's opinions?
well i dont want to kick somebody's ass so please dont get me wrong:

First of all im not better than any other moviemaker pls dont think something in this way while reading!

Please MovieMaking "Beginners" do not publish any not yet viewable clips and stuff. No offence against wayne for sure but i think that ppl who play @ higher levels with really nice frags just deserve better movies.

The other way around its only nice from kris to let wayne do the movie. But wayne, why didnt u even try to get in touch with ppl who are used to moviemaking. Sorry but movies without AA and stuff are just not watchable anymore. Also i didnt noticed any sync. The intro from magarine was kinda nice but still pointless or i just didnt get the meaning i guess.

Ok to make it short.

Dear MovieMaker for ET. Please get in touch with moviemaking first, then do tests, qry ppl who know what they are doing @ moviemaking and try to fix the critisim.

Dear Cointozz! Take my critisim as a positiv thing (the one i gave u on irc :P )

Dear Hannes: stfu and get outta here!

so far bb
it fucking sucked omg
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