
just came back from drinking feels like shit and i think im gonna puke, and in few hours i got next fiesta cuz of wisla krakow championship im gonna die soon lol

VISCA EL BARCA!!! messi best football player world ever seen just fucking genius, look at him at 00:37 i wish i could ever feel like this
better team won
drinking noob :b
barca barca barca <3
first non-german comment
german comment
inb4 german invasion
Well, this match told a few things: -

1. SAF hasn't learnt from his mistakes in 2009, which is disappointing. Apart from Park, the midfield was torn apart by Iniesta, Xavi and Messi. Fergie needs to realise that Barca's passing game, as well as the run of each player, needs to be neutralised.

2. Apart from Rooney's goal, Valdez wasn't really troubled at all for the better part of the night. Hernandez had a very quiet and frustrating night on the big stage.

3. Vidic defended very well in the first half. Pity he couldn't keep it up. It's the problem with Man U - consistency. They only played tonight for 45 minutes and then let Barca come in. They need to also learn how to defend against smaller and more skillful players, not just the big and scary ones.

4. Sad way for VDS to have his final game, one of the most important, and lose before hanging up the gloves. Bit of a bitter taste there.

5. United need to buy a new attacker to partner Rooney (since Berbatov is probably leaving and owen is too old), need to cash in midfield players, replace scholes, carrick and even giggsy, he's 37 and his legs cannot keep up all the time, a winger would be good as well, Nani was poor as fuck during the last stages of this season, Valencia got BOSSED by Abidal.

6. Well done to Barcelona, you really are the kings of the World Game. Truly magical. It was an honour to lose to that Barcelona side.
Also evra had his head in his ass, he always fucked up in big games. His fault for the first and third goal.
Giggs' legs can't keep up? He was the guy that ran the most, right after Xavi.
can you find these statistics anywhere? or were they mentioned after the game, I'm curious
i can't remember, or find that article anymore, sorry
what i meant is that now he is 37 and he'll soon retire and we need to find a replacement for him because there isn't enough time left, we shouldn't rely on 'the oldies' to carry the team, look at barcelona, all their midfielders are 20-27 years old or something
Giggs played well tbh
Chicharito disapointed me hard, btw the goal was from offside but them refs are helping Barca hard :x

quite entertaining game, not much of busquets/pedro drama, not many fouls, almost none bookings
chicharito couldn't do anything because man utd had no possession and they where playing long balls only, and he's too young compete vs the best players in the world
jesus christ with all that fouls bullcrap, sick rly

barça players dont dive if they arent being hit. watch more spanish games before saying no sense stuff.
I'm most curious to know what the reason for keeping Valencia on the pitch was, he had a shocker. I'm sure the was a reason though, the man is an incredible manager, no doubt about that.

Could've done with seeing Scholes and Nani on earlier as well methinks.
Yeah, Fergie should realise it with BEP, not alone.
fuck u loser hahahahah umad?

2. How about Valdes' clearances outside his penalty box? I counted three or four.
3. Consistency is a problem of a team winning EPL?
4. I think reaching the CL final is still an impressing finish of a career :).
5. Somehow Giggs is able to keep up throughout the season. You're forgetting he has off-pitch problems currently.
im tired of peoples on my facebook page with this boring fanboyism ManU - Barca.
I opened cf and wat ? another fanboy.

wtf, srsly ? you live in barcelona ? have you ever been there for example ?
yes ive been there already 5 times (3 times on the matches) and im in official fanboy Cules since almost 8 years
well whats wrong with that? You don't have to live in Barcelona to be a huge Barca fan. I love their players and their magical play style. But I'm still supporting my home club as well.
Dunno, its somehow pathetic fanboyism. Im not really talking about Johnny, but many other fucking attention whores - for example on facebook, other social sites.
So true like all liverpool fans being from fucking norway!!!!!!
explains the hooliganism :DDD
And the Oscar goes to
what oscar? u must be pretty dumb if u still dont see how great they do..
barca too good
same for you :x

asslicker <3
need more armchair football fans on here!
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