Hon not working
29 May 2011, 22:40
Matchmaking is offline, again. Public is not working properly(Hard to join a game, especially when you have three other friends to join the same game).
To the point now; Is there a way to create a lan server, and to have friends join?
Thanks in advance.
To the point now; Is there a way to create a lan server, and to have friends join?
Thanks in advance.
to your point: no lan. hon isnt working atm. also you might wonna check during the night as S2 gets it working (more or less) during US prime time
comparably it is quite limited.
LoL played on a higher level doesn't have pretty much any of those aspects. Skilled people ward all the time, gank all the time (you don't directly lose gold when you die, but you can't farm when you're dead and your enemies can farm when you're dead, also involved parties get a relatively large amount of gold from kills in early game) and tower dive.
For comparision, ET is also boring as fuck when you see bad players playing it.
i personally did not value the game one way or the other. i said that when compared to HoN it is limited in its "functions". its like saying you need to consider the same amount of stuff in CS than you need to in ET. it is not true but CS still is the harder/more popular/... game.
you either like it that way or you dont.
e: and the stuff i pointed out is what i personally, as a HoN player, am missing cause it took my a while to matser them.
so even using that example you can distinguish but it boils down to personal liking. some people compromise everything of the above for the sheer excitement, acceleration and so on.
I do ofc believe that there has been expertise developing in LoL (as it does for any competetive game) so there is low to high tier players.
But i prefer HoN over LoL for the same reason that i prefer ET over CS: cause 1 is comparably limited in things to do/consider at the same time you need to be better at the things that remain (e.g. aim in CS). I am more the tactical guy tho (as my aim sucks lol) so I prefer the dota remake that features runes, wards, ports, ... the lot.
- when you got 0 gold in dota and die you don't lose gold too, but still enemies farm(on lane)/farm(with xp gained from you)/farm(with gold gained from you) :P
- tower dives with flash/some character skills without problems lvl6, maybe earlier/later, it all depends
- when you go kill someone and leave lane partner alone, you can gain from ganks and your partner will get more xp/last hits solo
I think dota is still somehow better (maybe because of the denying + in LoL there is no collision/blocking), but still every game is different. btw you can play both :P
i need to limit myself to one cause w/o a doubt it would take quite a while to get good at LoL (as it is an "individual" game).