mystic replays?

hey can some people give me links of old mystic matches where he powned?i watched somes but he wasnt that impressive,so i want to see the best matches of him,thanks
in mi anus young fella
theres a huge truck in mianus!
doesn't seem to bother you!

Are there famous people living there too?

More specifically id watch mystic vs marauders, he rapes on sd2
fuck you. you arent impressive.
look at yourself you unimpressive peace of baguette

mystic - 9 frags in a row on B4, then gets 1 man pana'd by wing :P (overrated or what)
he played like shit the whole game...
he threw a few useless nades to either kill or severely injure his own team

he had 2 minutes of great aim at the end of the match big woop

overrated or what?
Rofl he was hardly underrated. the general skill level was lower back then sure , but either way he was the most dominant rambo medic in the game at that time.
most players don't have the aim / gamesense even today that he had already 4-6 years ago
I don't understand whats so funny, it's like reference to every "skilled" team these days : )
"most players don't have the aim / gamesense even today that he had already 4-6 years ag"
he's definitely talking about some players who are playing on a high level, so he's definitely wrong
Lol, ofcourse that some players from whatsocalled 'high skilled scene' are worse even now, after all those years playing actively, or I would say they don't qualify for what I call real highskillers.By the way, actions made years ago are still so much better than actions made by actual 'highskillers' - and I'm not talking about spam frags (it was easier to make such with 6on6 mode). You don't need to be sherlock to understand that game can evolve to particular moment, then only people change but game level is still the same.

If you think I'm wrong, it's okay, but I'm not blind, I saw loads of matches played years ago and it's easy to calculate gamesens/aim/even movement.
I understand what you mean, but just check some old idlee/parodia/etc games, or just check players who are still playing, and compare their aim. you'll see the difference
Well I was refering more to 2006/7/8, not THAT oldschool, cause it's pretty simple that back then when ET was still fresh there was loads of things to learn and stuff like that.
well, youre right
back in 2007~ people were almost the same skilled as nowadays. I mean, the 'highskillers'. but I was talking about 5-6 or more years ago :P
he did a pretty interesting 4man too (is it that match?)
That's it, they aren't impressive. Stop looking :PPppP
fuck you

because of this journal I'm somehow in the mood to watch the oasis u96d - parodia games

(not even sure if they are on gamestv but they were quite epic from his pov )
mystic aka fumble ?
fuck you. you arent impressive.
best player ever
i only remember one action of him:

on sd when he jumped in the tree just after main gate, and raped 5 outta 6 guys and they were like 'the fuck?'.
He's the best player of all time, what you say is blasphemy and should be punished.
now that you discovered that he's good you can suck some cock. :)
u started wrong sir
he;s just not that awesome

really dont get all the fuzz bout him
Sometimes, I wish I played when the standard of aiming was so much lower. Ahead of his time, but the players we have today are better than he was back then.
true actually

back in the days (DSky for example) there were great teams with only 1 or maybe 2 good aimers, but the teamplay made them win matches.
Bullshit : )
ive played back then and also played this year...
although i have only played for like 2 months again this year, i wasnt aiming that bad at all... :-) (sometimes)
and the difference isnt that big. butchji, maus etc, are still the best players. so ???

internet connections also werent that good back then (less hitable!)
hitboxes were different in the early ET, got fixed with some etpro version in 2005 or smth
different hitboxes means, they were better back then? or better right now... and with better i mean more "hittable"
hitboxes were shit. go on a normal et server without etpro and test them ;)
Im not doubting your aim, im just saying you got more players in your lineup like Winghaven, who rely on spam because their aim isn't that strong compared to others, meaning you wouldn't get as much knock back and as many people shooting back because people relied on other tactics to kill you.

What really makes me laugh is evo's 'lol' when he has proven time and time again that he really knows nothing about this game.
So true, it's like saying Pele was the greatest football player ever... he wouldn't stand a chance today
u guys should talk less and gimme more links,when i say he wasnt that impressive i compare him to maus nowadays.if u guys dont give me decent links u should handle that maus is 3x better than mystic and u are obligated to let maus fanboys talk.

u got the chance to change the world!dont let it go! search for "mystic" and you'll have about 40 demos of him
Mystic never aimed as deadly as mAus, just in his time he was the best, he was one step ahead of others. Its like in swimming, somebody wins with a "fantastic time", but then some years later that winning time would not be enough to even qualify. So in his time he was the best, but nowadays aimers stepped up next to him, even surpassed him.
Cut the crap, watch some demos and then talk about "being good back then, but not as good as players playing nowadays". Most of actions where people literally jerkoff in front of monitors were made years ago. There is one reason for that, that game was worth training for (and I'm not saying it's dead now like some retards). Just point out the facts, cheers.
maus got better positioning but mystic better dueler and gets more headshots
mystic's aimstyle is just magical there for he is the best , period!
I hate people who think the teams back then were better than the teams right now or 1-2 years ago.
Of course they were : )
Yea I know... :PPPP your ego cannot accept that ! :D
I have no idea who viC is but his ignorance and the fact that he fanboys players that are obsolete annoys me.
its about the same level...

back then there were a lot of different tactics in 6o6 and u could always bring in smth new
now the game is 8 years old and the good teams are playing it close to perfection, and everyone is using almost the same tactics.
cuz the maps are also the same since 2005
I think teams back then were better than the teams right now or 1-2 years ago.
then go to the supermarket and buy a brain
can't afford it :(
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