Question to allmighty crossfire!

Hello crossies!

I want to start play mmorpg game... and first game that came in to my mind was WoW, but are there any good free mmorpg to play?

image: a-hot-chicks-facebook-7
Whats the point of getting completely unknown people to idle in your channel -,-
That describes 99 percent of its current inhabitants as well.
I tried Aion or so once, but found out I don't like mmorpg's at all
with this comment I made bunch of nerds go crazy :P
true story xoxo
i c what u did thaaaaaaar
lotro maybe
heard lotro was decent and free
yup its amazing! but ofc paying for it you get a much better experience
lotro has great graphics.
All free mmorpgs are shit, you just keep grinding for nothing
QuoteAll mmorpgs are shit, you just keep grinding for nothing

Fixed that for you.

They're still kinda addicting, though. At least until you hit the level cap and realise all there is to do is run the same dungeons over and over again.
I guess it's trough, wow's endgame just felt more satisfying to me then any other mmorpg
I played end game
i started wow 6 years ago and i still play it , total played like 2 maybe 2.5 years of that coz of breaks andstuff. I dont think its the best game but they certainly have a couple things where they dominate other games. lately i only play arena like once every week for max 1 hour.
I played lotro for a little while by using some trial accounts back when you had to pay to play. I think it's a great game with many quests that actually have a story & interesting things to do.

e: ALL mmorpg's are more fun if you play them with friends. Go solo and you'll get bored in no time.

In other news:
image: 3237-Messed-up-dinner
Lineage 2, best!
played WoW where only TBC was out..(private) was pretty funny.
it was very addictive tbh and I spent way too much time on it.. but give WoW a try.
I dont know how it is with all the news packs etc.
Runes of Magic
battle of the immortals =D
No mmorpg can beat wow imo, Runes of Magic is good for a free game, but sill i'd go for WoW
Tibia > *
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