Anyone up for a CSS 5o5 mix now?

Title says all , skill doesnt matter , msg me here or #glitz , glitz`p4t , ive got no Server :-(

just go #ET.css ! ^^
okay monkeyy
skill doesnt madder du speckbengel hurensohn??
look a jew :D
it does. so speck it up!
Do we play on VAC server?
If no, meh!
Source is nice tbh
laters maybe 8)
No, but I will provide this journal with a photo

image: chatroulette-trolling-my-new-hero
True though. I had military arms training and I don't feel any more like a killer than I did before. Actually every dumb fuck can point a gun and shoot other people, what they're teaching you is NOT do that.
You don't feel more like a killer, does it mean everybody won't feel more like killers ?
I guess so. People that were messed up after they got to hold a gun were most likely messed up before that anyway.
i should install this game already, planning for weeks :D
never played css war might do later.
need 2 more atm 3/5 .. GOGOG
do you still need players? :P
still 1 needed yes ^^
musste essen sry :D
give me css and i'll nerd with u :D
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