guess what happend

Guess what happend outside my house ! :/

image: dfi13a <3
Well deserved for living in the slums.
ahahahha u serbian fuck
nice mustang
why are you getting rolled?
the question is... who made the photo when ur still in the car? and why dont u have a license tag?
der hat da was drüber gemalt!
stimmt jetz seh ichs! son komisches pfer:d
probably the reason why he got pulled over, as far as I know its obligatory to have license plates in the front and the back in most of Europe. While as it's an american car you only need one in the back (in America only tho lulz)
nice mustache
how fast were u driving? :D
They finally found my car
You aren't supposed to talk on the phone while driving the car.
You got beat up & the undercover police rescued you in an expensive white car?
and what they gonna do? shit. Don't worry man ACAB
the bigger the car - the smaller the dick

e: and my car is this image: werbeartikel_spielzeugauto_kinder_8123
but ive got toy cars !
look closer to the pic i added :>
looks like an ordinary mustang anyways just overrated
i dont have a car at all
so you have no dick?
not into the newer generations mustangs anyway. I'd take a 66 with rusty floorboard over diz anyday.
They pulled AlexL over because some time ago Sweden government gave police a freedom to arrest and drug-test for steroids any hench/muscular/swole -looking guy.
alexl is not muscular at all.
cheater die!!
i love ur car.
awsome car bro, you know wats good
i would have thrown the laptop out the window and they wouldn't have been able to prove it was you if you was using wifis
wigger cheater buu
I guess you cheated? /!\
haha you got busted:)
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