what do you do?

when you kind of hate yourself for spending alot of money on something that you don't ACTUALLY need e.g alcohol or drugs. the feeling is good BUT
is it worth it?
I rationalise the purchase until I feel good about myself.
Even while doing that you think "Meh, manipulating myself doesn't work!" .. but it does, sadly enough.
Funny that.
Yes I think its worth it
was it worth it spending money on cheat and get busted after 2days`? xdd
I think you DO actually need it
Lol I don't buy enough alcohol for me to care what it costs ever cause that bottle will probably last me awhile, now when it comes to weed thats a different story, but theres solutions to that problem ;)
i never bought cheats cause i can play myself.
so that feeling is unknown to me
sei doch nich so kleinlich ;D
good the ONE day, but bad the other...guess whats it about....
friday night i wasted 38 EUR on random shit + payed out of thouse 11,50 EUR on the taxi for everyone, after that going home alone on 25+ degrees sun few peatuses was sad, really, came home after a fail friday and suffered a hangover.

thats one fail friday
When I go out I'm usually quite "cheap", spend anywhere in between 20 - 50 EUR.

When I get drunk I usually go on a spending spree and end up emtying my bank card ( controlled by my parents with a 350 EUR monthly cap on it )

As to your question, I feel awesome at the time itself, but the day after I feel quite bad and I'm not talking about the hangover :[

Shot version : Yes, don't take life too seriously; you'll never get out of it alive anyway <o/
kevin really, how on earth is it possible to have ur parents controlling ur bank account when you're considered as an adult? Really strange, and 350E monthly cap? that's just silly (imo). I would understand this if u were a 1-14 years old or IF you are an addict, mentally retarded, ill or something else that makes u incapable of controlling ur own bank account. I'd really like to know what's the reason behind this, since I really doubt that you're mentally retarded, ill or an addict. (Or is the answer really that u end up emptying ur bank account while being drunk?)

And on the spending part, I really don't think about my bank account while i'm out since it's a buzz-kill. (Ofcourse it's always good and smart to think about it if you're broke-ass, or u have something acute that u need money for) BUT who goes out while being a broke-ass? (Out as in partying or anything else that involves money usage)

So the answer to your question (topic maker) is hell yes it's worth it.

Just like kevin says, if u take life too seriously, u'll end up being fucked up when u're ancient old.
My parents pay everything for me, but I have a bankaccount for "emergencies" with 350 EUR on it every month.

I hope that explains it.

Just that :P
350e / MONTH, what THE FUCK ? :D
how much more do u need when u live at parents and aren't an addict? (guessing those 2 points apply to him)
I think he means for clothes, going out for food etc.
My parents pay everything for me, but I have a bankaccount for "emergencies" with 350 EUR on it every month.

I hope that explains it.
yes. how much more do you need ?

if you don't have to pay flat, food, phone, electricity, internets and all that crap... 350 is more than enough if you don't live above your standards
nah, i agree, just saying
I think hes another spoiled kiddo.
Well I use like 150-200e monthly to my gym stuff :D then clothes etc
i spend 600-800 euros in summer months.
smokes BD
it's feels good at the beginning and all the way before dawn, but then it feels bad. but that depends also, if u hit something or not
Never spent more than £40 on a night out, including everything (alcohol, entrance, drinks, drugs, transport w/e)... That said, if I have a good night, then I don't mind, but if I have an average or bad time I think it's a total waste of money.

I've never understood how people spend so much money on nights out. Buying champagne?
trying to get some cute girls at their bedroom by buying them expensive drinks,
most of em fail,
check duNzy's journal.
Indeed, and some people even brag how much they burned money during weekend... :D
"yeah man, blew £150 last night i'm so fucking crazy"
drugs everyday keeps the shrinks away
what do you mean alcohol or drugs, are you implying that alcohol is not a drug
he's making the common legal vs. illegal differentiation
i don't like that
i've adjusted to it, despite it's error
adjusting is bad!
what's huumeantti
huume = drug
antti = name

You seem like a tough guy. I'm a tough guy myself.
not really, i just like how it sounds
i spent way too much for clothes, some of them i used like once :x
we dont do something you do;

I have not had this problem with drugs, but I've gambled for more money and in worse games than I should have. The feeling is good even though my brain knows it's financially a bad idea.
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