F1 Marshall Fails

Love Graham Swann's reaction to this in the race:


Absolutely class.... :D

Well done Jenson Button supreme race win... best grand prix in ages and well worth the 2 hour rain delay however is it just me or was the restart way too long under the safety car... try track was ready for inters by the time he released it.... health and safety gone mad?? Also dont think the race should have started under the safety car... spoiled the initial part of the race... discuss!!
I think if vettel hadnt made that little error in the end you would have forgotten all about this race already ;)
pressure does amazing things Rob...
All credits go to button of course :) still i think you're a little biased saying this was one of the best races in years <3
Well of course i'm British aren't I :P

Still think when Button overtook Webber on the wet part of the track with Webber all over the shop was an amazing overtake, best of the race for me. But 6 pit stops, last place after the Alonso encounter and after the safety car to overtake everyone to win is fairly epic :) <3
saw that also yesterday:D I was like wtf , he just should stand at middle of the road and wait the formula(s) go past him.
the what now?
Classic - I'm disappointed to have missed this race however I just can't 'get it up' for F1 anymore. Vettels car is too good, I know thats the nature of the game but too many titles are being won by cars not drivers, Button won his title in the exact same fashion - his Brawn car was ridiculous for the first half of the season.
*expects someone to throw in a picture of an F1 pit girl*

I know what you mean but this year the excitement is in the middle of the field not the front so even if Vettel is doing really well its still worth watching.
here you go:

image: formula_1_babes
Main reason why he got scared of button:


I think someone needs a fresh pair of underwear.
too bad I had nerves only for first third of race, I gave up after red flag
I still see M. Schumacher as "rain king" in f1, 4th place is amazing result considering what he drives atm
haha boom fat guy falls :D
That was a pretty funny moment indeed, luckily no-one got hurt. It was rather dumb of those marshalls. Rule no.1 for marshalls is not to get onto the track before the entire field has passed.

The race was very entertaining, except the 2 hour interruption. Race control was not doing a good job imo. The safetycar start was justified, since the first two corners are way too dangerous with all the spray and so many cars. But they should've started the race immediately at the end of the first lap, no need to go around a few times.
I also agree with eVo that after the rain delay the safetycar period was waaaaay too long. A couple of laps would've been enough to clear the water from the hairpin and the long straight. If they restarted earlier the race would've been even better, because the first couple of laps would've been epic. Also it wouldn't have been that dry in the end, which was a shame because Red Bull and Button obviously have the best cars for those conditions.

I'm curious what they're going to do with Hamilton. After his wild ride in Monaco he was on probation, but yesterday he behaved even worse: taking off Webber, almost taking out Schumacher and then eliminating himself and almost taking out Button with him. Imo a one race suspension would be in order to let him cool off.
Quote I'm curious what they're going to do with Hamilton. After his wild ride in Monaco he was on probation, but yesterday he behaved even worse: taking off Webber, almost taking out Schumacher and then eliminating himself and almost taking out Button with him. Imo a one race suspension would be in order to let him cool off.

Are you kidding me????
Webber was a racing incident nothing more, even Webber has agreed with that.
Taking out Schumacher??? At what point was that... you mean the bit where Schumacher squeezed Hamilton onto the grass in the wet????
With Button he was again not in the wrong, he was way faster after Button made a mistake and Button apologised saying he didn't see him when he ran him into the wall.
I'm not kidding you. Of course things happen, but after the Monaco rammings he was warned to go easy and avoid collisions instead of causing them.

- with Webber he should've backed out of the fight. He wasn't in a good position in the first place, then the tried to squeeze his car next to Webber in the first corner. Where the fuck does he want to go? The second corner is to the right, no way he's going to pass Webber on the outside there. He didn't back out, he got into a slide from the kerbstone and pushed Webber around.
- with Schumacher he also wasn't in a good position to attack, still he braked way too late and tried to use the space on the outside as run-off area. Yes, Schumacher went a bit to the left to have a better angle for the hairpin. But that Hamilton got in trouble on the outside putting his car a bit on the grass, was his own stupid mistake, which could've ended badly for both of them (or at least one of them).
- with Button he got a better run of the last chicane and tried to go to the outside. Button normally went to the left side of the track and even a blind man could see that there was no space to go around the outside. Still Hamilton put half the car besides Button and expected a miracle that Button would wave him through. Of course Button wasn't angry anymore after the race, since he won. But his initial reaction "what the hell is he doing?" clearly stated how he felt.

Summary: Hamilton just doesn't know when to back out and dives into holes that aren't really there. After 5 incidents in 2 races somebody should give him some time to cool off.
QuoteTo me, the Webber incident looked like a standard racing incident: two drivers going for the same space. The one with Button looked frighteningly similar to one that Schumaker was involved in a few races back. When Hamilton tried to go through, there was a gap, but Button went across and across and pushed him into the wall. It was obvious from Button's reaction that he had no idea that Hamilton was there.

QuoteI must be absolutely insane. Did I watch the same race as everyone else (and in particular David Coulthard). How is Lewis Hamilton at fault for Button clearly driving into him? Hamilton has the drive out of the corner and is clearly going fast enough, and Hamilton clearly is along side Button (and going fast enough to overtake him), and Button just continues to turn into the wall. If Button couldn't see Hamilton, that's fine, and that's a racing error, and all is said and done, but how can Hamilton POSSIBLY be at fault? That would be similar to saying that Barichello was at fault when Schumacher almost killed him last year!

Both these quotes sum it up for me, i do believe you're being ridiculous in your statement about the schumi incident, he knew exactly what he was doing putting Hamilton on the grass and if you listen to the coverage when they discuss that they actually said had Hamilton not gone out of the race Schumacher could have been in for a penalty there, what he did was dangerous however i actually like to see that kind of aggressive driving from Schumacher, shows he still has that fight in him.

In all the overtakes in F1 this season Hamilton has done 1/10 himself, he is the kind of driver you want in the sport and trust me Vettel is way way more dangerous when he doesn't have the car and is required to overtake as he simply doesn't have the skill of some of the better drivers imo.
best paladin in the world and #1 to hit 85.
behold and obey
i dont take kindly to people calling me a jew
someone still watching F1? wow.
Formula One Management (FOM, commercial rights holder for the sport) has declared that television viewing statistics were up yet again last year, with a global figure of 520 million for 2009 increasing to 527 million in 2010. In total, 16,000 hours of Formula 1 was broadcast across some 187 countries last year, with a growth in nine of the 11 largest TV markets. The season was also strong for many of FOM’s European broadcasters, which reported their highest race audiences for ‘a number of seasons’.

Apparently 2011 is higher still so far
it was great race yesterday..
brb, getting some care
"That's not pretty, is it."
what's so great about that race
what so funny about that? the road was clearly slippery for first fall.... second fall was due to clear death freightening... imagine yourself being lying on a racetrack and vehicles coming towards you

doubt you will laugh.
best part is coulthard clearly laughs at him when he falls :D
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