Ron Paul 0%

Sup cf,

I just wanna say

Who do you think was the biggest winner of the debate?
Republicans (54 votes)
Paul 0%

Who do you think was the biggest winner of the debate?
Democrats (41 votes)
Paul 2%

A poll with 95 ppl, thats not izi to manipulate at all!

Now for a poll on the CNN website

thank god the pic didnt work


i want none of those

e: at least hide that shit, its disgusting
no its not :)
u should be worried about that United States of America is doin,
not about a silly picture
im not gonna pay attention to some random CNN poll cause some lefty is whining especially as it is posted on a website with 12sec advertisement and a poll of political insiders not the general public so the sample size is okay. And who do you think you are with this "manipulate" stuff? How would you know? paranoid much?
and yes a "chick" with piercinings, tattoos and dyied red hair is disgusting.
so the "political insiders" gets to choose who's gonna be president but the general public isnt
k cool story
no they get to vote on WHO THEY THINK is gonna be president as part of the massive shitstorm surrounding elections. its a poll of indersiders nto the election itself you moron.
thats why democracy fails, cause braindead fucks like you get to interpret and ahve a say.
so you honestly dont think that has any effect on how the ppl are gonna vote?

also, not sure if u didnt notice yet that theres & revolution goin on?
ppl are having enuff of the shit the government does to the public all the time
reason i became - as you would say - "paranoid"?
image: I-know-Osamas-Dead-cause-Tv-says-so
cuz ppl actualy believe everthing the government says ;D
the media influences the public. is that new? is that to be prevented? where should the political education come from? is it even bad?
the public has always been longing for oppinion leaders and always will be cause the common man does not have the slightest clue anout politics and doesnt even want to have one. (i mean look at you, best example ever)
every single election is sipported by interviews and polls and that shit, demonstrating the oppinion of others.
now they asked insiders and you are going mad cause it doesnt suit your little revolutionary brain?
i feel so sorry for someone who thinks that a canidate going through the process of becomming capable of being president will ever change anything in a nation which is very specifically defined.
that obama nigger with his change bullshit bombs the shit out of the middle east with his drones, even tho he isnt officially going to war with those countries, he didnt shut down guantanamo, he did not master the financial crisis (his country caused) and he did not fix the disaster of the health care system, simply because he is president of the US.
the noble cause of making the world's msot powerful nation a bit more modest ruined by raging little cunts, like you, yelling parols for the wrong reasoning while not understanding the why,what, who and how.

you are a naive kid that cant even read the headline of a poll properly.
Quotethat obama nigger with his change bullshit bombs the shit out of the middle east with his drones

Get your facts straight for sake
Quotehe didnt shut down guantanamo

agree this is a mistake
QuoteHe did not master the financial crisis (his country caused) and he did not fix the disaster of the health care system.

Okay, so basically he can fix those two gigantic problems with a snap of the fingers in 2,5 years ? You are the naive guy thinking one man can fight against worldwide problems (the crisis) and against a national problem (the healthcare system) when for instance the House of representatives is mainly Republican...
you seem to misunderstand.
my arguing was that no1 in the position of the american president has the power to do such a thing simply because he is the american president.

oh and you are the one who might want to use a tool get access common knowledge (such as google perhaps) to look for the connections between "obama" "drones" and "pakistan".
dont ask me to get my facts straight if you are blind to reality.
Pakistan <--> Middle East ? Not that obvious... The usual eastern border stops at Iran, not further...
Don't mind him. Just some angry internet gangster who didn't write a single non-offensive/angry/negative comment on this page.
Seems so yea..
thats what we like to believe.
the height those drones fly at are only monitored by 1st world nations within their own borders (for technical, fiscal and many more reasons).
i tend to believe that, with the involvement america has with isreal and the stuff going on in that region, they are monitoring and taking out whoever they want everywhere south of turkey/greece.
i just think its funny that the "insiders" show a poll where theres 0% for Ron Paul while he's very likely to win the presidency but show the candidate thats pretty much the white obama as the favorite, it does affect how the ppl will vote
cnn used it in their newsreport, but didnt use the poll that was on the website
you have to admit thats pretty strange

& about you saying that no president will ever change anything in the country
prolly not, cuz some1 that actualy wants to change stuff will never become a president
tnx to the manipulation of the general public

ppl are gettin tired of the shit they have to deal with
& thats why i believe that this person might be able to make a change

also, why are you starting to swear & stuff, im just trying to tell you what i think about it
i respect you opinion & you should respect mine
Quote& about you saying that no president will ever change anything in the country
prolly not, cuz some1 that actualy wants to change stuff will never become a president


Quotealso, why are you starting to swear & stuff, im just trying to tell you what i think about it
i respect you opinion & you should respect mine

apologies, i usually try not to. but political ignorance gets me very aggravated as i believe missinformation to be the cause for many good political intentions to fail

as for the poll: if you put it like that id actually be willing to talk about the"findings" of those "insiders" rather than the polarizing presentation of them.
i dnno why but lately ive rly been starting to question alot of things

i don't know alot about politics & im not claiming i do
but theres just so much stuff goin on lately that are just strange
& i feel the need to find something behind whats happening
it always is.
but the solution is not to seek truth in what the "off-media" mainstream suggests.
the number of people who blindly believe in mass media is smaller than the number of people who think that, no matter what is being presented, the mass media is lying and comploting something.
how likely is that considering the fact that mass media all around the world says mostly the same, that they are closely observed and all that?
make up your own mind and be aware of the fact that the danger lies in people claiming that mass media (as complexe as it is) can be controlled by a tiny elite they cant even put their finger on.
if you become a critic for the sake of being a critic you hinder progress and your intentions are flawed.
if you spot unjustice then present it. but dont feel cool being an ignorant dick who thinks opposing is cool cause you dislike your parents.
(im not saying you are but i am expressing my opinion of the general "omg mass media is lying even tho the sources we use are anonymous, not controlled and do not have to match the rest of the worlds news)
ragetyping max level reached
fighting on too many fronts after having consumed too much beer.
sue me
I reported you at least..

Drunk browsing can be very dangerous and hurt other people.
fortunately you can exclude yourself from my list of possible targets.
i shall embrace your good intentions in trying to stop me from enlightining cavemen.
Lol @comments below the article :D
ppl are realizing the mainstream media is shit :D
actually a nice vid with a decent song and some sick djing in it! good on you
Typical journal from a guy with man-boobs! :XD
explain urself ;D

Quote by applesaucecuz i basicly have man boobs

indeed, so why is this journal typical for some1 like me?
ah yes i see, ive never thought about it like that
you know, your a very cool kid, i bet thats why ppl like u so much
now your not getting a tryout for taking the piss out of my bum buddy rubN :)
I'm enchanted.
Nothing new under the sun.
oh boy. there's two things that get peole riled up. politics and religion
its because the world would be beter without both
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