burning fat

How to burn calories or fat?

Tips needed please! :$
stop eating.
Run forest, run
Cardio Cardio Cardio along with a good diet.

I dropped from 13 stone to about 10.5 in a couple of months, now trying to put muscle on which I'm finding alot harder!
shouldve build muscles whilst losing weight, now you lost weight to try and gain weight later on (muscles) silly skydeh
I just followed what a PT told me at the Gym. He ran some tests on me and said that this was the easiest path to follow. He lied :(
you have to be on a certain percentage of bodyfat before the muscles actually start to grow:)
No. It's just that they probably won't show before a certain percentage. Especially the abs.
ye ofc, but when ur high on bodyfat its much better( IMO ) to first start loosing weight by means of cardio in the gym, or cycling and running outside( which is the same tho i prefer being outside) before you start working on building muscles.

it also keeps ur confidence and motivation up, you see results > you go on.. if u start training muscles and you feel the pain every day after, but you dont see them grow its much more likely to quit ( if ur a weakling ).. lots of my mates have that.. theyre like OMG I WANT TO BE COOL BUT IT ISNT WORKING< lets go out and smoke more...
Like Panda stated below though, it's important to work out to maintain the muscle mass, and tbh most fatties got quite some amounts (atleast if they are still relatively active). So in the end you still profit, if you keep working out :)

Gotta agree on the motivation part though!
ye i had problems with motivation too, same as my friends have now. so i know that if they press on they will be like me in the end:P,,

used to be 107 kg with my 1.89 ( playing rugby so it came in quite handy tbh:P but i didnt think it was cool haha)

i now weigh 94 kg with 2.9 % body fat.. i dont even look that muscular coz i dont grow to show up in contest, i need it coz im gonna play in the seniors next year and instead of 18 yo guys i need to take on 20> 35 year old average guys:)
Can't do both at the same time LoL well, can maintain muscle/strength but not gain and lose weight at the same time...
Eat a calorie deficit, 500 below maintenance if you wanna lose 1lb per week.
Lift heavy.
Keep protein intake at 1g-1.5g of protein per lb of bodyweight everyday.
Well, i do never eat @ morning and afternoon, only warm food @ 6:00 pm or so ;)

and just doing pushups.. and trying to burn it as fast as possible.. any more tips?
QuoteWell, i do never eat @ morning

There's your problem.
breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
If you're really serious about this pushups are not enough, losing weight without lifting is most likely just gonna make you appear fatter even though you're losing weight since you'll be losing muscle mass along with fat, lifting heavy and keeping protein intake up at a calorie deficit preserves most of the muscle. I suggest joining the gym for a while or just buying some dumbbells/barbell and an adjustable bench if you wanna do it from home and then use a 5 day split. As you gain muscle mass which is possible even at a 500 calorie deficit when you're new to lifting due to "noob gains" you're gonna drop fat and gain muscle which is gonna make your bodyfat percentage lower. But losing weight without lifting/keeping protein intake up is definitely a bad idea as the more muscle you'll lose the fatter you're gonna appear due to bodyfat %, so even though you'd be dropping weight, you wouldn't be dropping bf% as you'd be catabolizing muscle instead of fat. Anyway if that didn't make sense just go to www.bodybuilding.com and check out the articles and stuff over there and check out the forums for advice.
Ic, so my pushups and shit are worse, i better go to gym?
I just have to eat, normally but not fat.. ;)!
Well pushups alone won't get you anywhere, my chest day for example has 3 sets of pushups as a warmup, then 3 sets decline/flat/incline bench and 3 sets incline flyes and that's still not a really intense workout, I could add dips and the pec fly machine to that too if I wanted too. But bodyweight exercises alone won't do anything.

Find out your calorific maintenance http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm

Subtract 500 from that figure

Lift 5 days a week at the gym

Eat a clean diet with alot of protein/healthy fats and try lower your carb intake a little.

If you wish I can write you up a rough diet plan/workout split through PM.
"Lift 5 days a week at the gym"

and whats the point on that?
more mucles increase burning fat :p
the more muscles you have, the more fat you will burn obviously
u will not gain any muscles if u do 5x per week since ur muscles wont have enuff time to recover
true i alway do it every other day (like monday wednesday friday cardio sunday)
Yes, working each muscle group ONCE per week is enough time to recover as you're only hitting each group once per week on a 5 day split, I even personally hit all muscle groups 2x a week as I've found that works better for me than once a week, it depends on your body.
way to little protein
almost stop eating
Seriously, how stupid people are nowadays?
It's definitely more interesting why Crossfire seems to be a proverbial black hole for stupidity.
it seems people feel comfortable here, no? a bit to much perhaps!
eat as much as you can and then put your finger in your throat and throw up.
repeat this on a daily base, weightloss guarantueed.
ask urtier, his diet was really good..
kissing burns fat :xD so go on smooch . try jumping over obstacles whenever you go somewhere like jump over a bench chair and stuff . and always use stairs ( your knee may get affected tho)
running + high protein diet + burners
if I burned any more calories than I do, I would die.
kill it with fire
image: 695944-bigthumbnail

Riding Epona through Hyrule field will guarantee weight loss.

sweat it off!
stop eating fatty boy & go to gym
eat as much as you can
even better then dieting is just to get a proper food schedule,


atleast 3 meals a day, when you do alot of sports you can have like a 10oclock snack( no fast/junkfood, just take smthing like a mueslibar)

if you stick to this you will feelless hungry at most time = less urges to eat bad food and candy etc. now if you combine this with sports etc you will eventually gonna start loosing weight
and what is that called :D...
a diet mostly includes eating less calories, avoiding some sorts of food,( bananas , bread etc)
this is just called eating on a regular schedule, which already helps:) , not necesarily to loose weight. The weight loss here you get from not eating candy and shit all the time coz u feel less hungry when u eat proper:)
a diet is just what you eat
yes, but dieting is watching WHAT u eat.
Get a mealplan and a workout plan, give 200% at gym 5 times a week. Boom g5

and do a heavy weight workout and cardio before and after. Don't do only cardio(!)
coke, speed, ecstasy
Buy an Abtronic
p90x google bro
You will burn calories (and therefore lose fat) with any sort of physical activity, especially sports. But even just walking a small distance instead of taking the bus/car can help a lot.
Also by avoiding sugary sodas and (mostly) not necessary snacks, you can lower your general calorie consumption easily.

However, if you want to lose weight fast and steadily, you should think about a proper diet.
Here is my diet (which is easy and successfull):

- Breakfast: Heavy on carbs (oatmeal, muesli, wholemeal bread)
- 5 hours NOTHING, no snacking, no sugary sodas. Just water, plain tea or black coffee.
- Lunch: Anything you like (you should avoide the obvious junk like fries, burgers, pizza etc, but you can have them once a week easily)
- 5 hours NOTHING, no snacking, no sugary sodas. Just water, plain tea or black coffee.
- Dinner: No carbs, just proteins (meat or dairy products with tons of vegetables or salad)

This way you can still eat everything you like, just at different times. Be sure to eat enough, so you don't starve inbetween the meals. To speed things up, you can replace the mixed lunch with the same stuff you would have for dinner (no carbs, high protein).
Afterall it's still about calorie in-out ratio, but especially with the breaks and the low carb dinner (or maybe even lunch too) it's a lot easier to keep track of it.

Even though this diet is relatively heavy on protein, you will suffer some muscle loss. So be sure to do something against that. Workout advises should come from other users here though, I'm far from an expert on that.

If you don't want to follow such a strict diet, just keep a few things in mind:

- Juice and sodas (or any other sugary junk) are extremely high on calories and empty carbs, avoid them if possible
- Even little activities like walking or taking the stairways can add up
- Think about what you eat and what it might do to your body (that means, avoid any form of fast food, processed food and ready-to-serve meals, if possible)

List could go on forever, but I think these 3 things are quite basic and still have a huge impact on someone's weight and health.
was going to write the same but you were faster!
Quite right, but still wouldn't suggest eating nothing for those 5 hours, maybe some nuts or fruits (not a huge amount of calories in most and generally good to snack on) but +1 on the fizzy drinks, even going for the 'zero' or 'diet' ones is a slight better option if addicted people have problems going straight to say, water only.
Prefer green tea to normal/coffee though, and a lil less calories :PP

Do you take any additional proteinz e.g. shakes or something atm too?
The 5 hours breaks are there so the insulin level can lower again and fat gets burned. Atleast that's the theory of it. If it's really the case, I don't know. I just know it works :-D

I'm not taking any special protein drinks atm, no money for that :-(
So I'm just a heavy consumer of quark, tuna and cottage cheese (if I need any additional proteins on some days) :-D
Oatmeal is so disgusting :D I'm eating Brinta now, bassicly the same but a little less nasty :P 60g of that with 500ml of milk and some whey and just chuck it down D: nasty but good :o) Just checked my stats and lost 0.8% of bodyfat in 2 weeks :/ Slow but steady I guess D: going for 200% this week and work my ass off ^,^
I totally love oats, as porridge especially. Eating it every morning with water and some milk and fruits :->
Man that must of been hard for you, that sounds like 1000kcal max. Can't imagine you eat 500g oatmeal as breakfast so the calories there suond pretty low.. Still think it's a lot better to actually stick to a 3 hour max food shedule since it's easier on your metabolism.. tho the results your way might be pretty identical, just not as healthy imo. Think it's a good thing that people start caring about their health. It only makes life more positiv. Well done ^^
I actually do eat around 100-150g oatmeal with milk, some honey and 1-2 apples for breakfast. Maybe sometimes even a slice of bread with butter. So that adds up to around 600-800 kcal easily.
For lunch it's mostly pasta, potatos, rice with some vegies or some baguette at the uni. So that's also not under 600-800 kcal. And for dinner it's mostly chicken with some vegs, so that's still another 400-600 kcal.
I don't think I have many days under 2000 kcal :-o
Oh ok ^^

I can barely get down 80g of that stuff, substitute the rest with fruit juice and some good whey, omega6+3 oil.. that's why I was thinking cals might be low if you only eat 3x a day.. I'm arround 450-500 per meal and am holding my 10% bf -.-

I'd love to just pack all my shit into 3 or 4 meals but I've tried it and it just doesn't bring the same gains :<
watch epicmealtime
Burn FinlandFaT
smoke weed and eat everything u like
Fastest way is to join a gym and contact an educated Personal Trainer (not self-educated, unfortunately we have those in Finland too) and pay him to train with you and plan your eating. That's an expensive option though, but none of my customers have regretted the decision.

Some good advices have been said in this journal as well if you don't have the money. After all it all depends on the calorie in-out ratio (you have to consume more calories than you eat/drink) like Urtier said.
go smoke
If it`s really about burning fat, you just have to jog very slow or even walk on a decent tempo. that is best to burn fat. But, do it often and rather long.
Eat mostly white meat, cooked patatoes and much vegtables.

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