L4mpje grounded

L4mpje didnt get home last weekend without telling his parents. They were upset, mad and desperate. For the next two months, they only allow him to get out of the house to go to school and work.

He will be playing the SAGE-LAN from his homecomputer. L4mpje has talked with Seanza about this problem and they agreed there wasnt enough time to get a new stable player for team reFuse. That's why he is allowed to play from his home. L4mpje lives very near to the LAN-center (15 minutes by bicycle), so there won't be a big delay whatsoever.

Im posting this because L4mpje has forgot his crossfire password.

Have a nice day!

edit: i dont know why everbody saying this is a troll, see it yourself on ettv, he will have a higher ping than the rest, if you go to the lan, also see it yourself, team refuse will be there with 4
I hope this is a troll.
no seriously, his parents are mad, I heared them yelling at him yesterday.
if i did that, u would find me hanging from my balls at some high buildings top
hahaha, ye, i think they had two options, either that or grounding
oh, i wish i had options x(
is it the guy from thats 70's show?
looks like it yeah :D didn't even see that yet haha
i had to look like 5 times until i saw the fat dude at the back :D
yes, wilmer valderama
8/10 nice one :)
so funny :D
QuoteL4mpje lives very near to the LAN-center (15 minutes by bicycle), so there won't be a big delay whatsoever.

why would there be a delay if he is gonna play at his home anyways?

bad troll, decent effort, original content : 5/10
2/10 obivious troll :(
he is 12 or what?
what a gangster
Quoteedit: i dont know why everbody saying this is a troll, see it yourself on ettv, he will have a higher ping than the rest,

i know lans that are played online :)
Its not lan then???
polish lans you know =)
only 15km of internet wire. np
u must be really fast if you can drive 15 km in 15 minutes good sir
Of course there needs to be some extra wire.
that would mean 60 km/h, he only gets like 50ish in time race
he so crazy
buy wireless lancable ->profit
landodge at it's best.
I thought parents only do this when you are 12,but ok
funny to hear it from you
bestest excuse so far:D
funny... :| playing online @ lan :DDD
I hope this is a troll
im grounded as well, can i play from ireland?
like u'll play @ LAN muhahahaha
well i would if i had an option to play from my house like this guy, because i cant be bothered spending money for plane tickets just to play in the same room with bunch of smelly spotty fat nerds
nice one :D made me smile
who cares about some lowskill cancer dutchie??
install a webcam! I WANT PROOF HE DOESNT CHEAT!
Cool parents. Not allowing him to go to LAN which he paid for and which is only 15 minutes away. Must be real strict. Decent Troll.
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