Any decent server? Havnt played in eons

Hello everyone, havn't played in years, are Efterlyst and Bio still around? if not can your recommend a few decent pubs to play on?

Efterlys isnt, Bio is, you can check the servers here:

there are also Nbs servers, but it is full of childish admins banning everyone and without slac so nevermind them
Tbh they have a good leader who developed his own anti-cheat, he can scan your files and manually dletect what cheat you use... Tho it seems to me that we are dependant of a very good coder who can take advantage of his pc skills over us, but the work he is doing is great now !
i know numerous people who are using pb detected bots on nbs servers just for raging, that anticheat does nothing and admins ruin the servers
Thanks, I'm having a little trouble getting anywhere though, iv'e downloaded slac, registered etc, although it won't let me login through the anti-cheat program and therefore I cannot connect, I have only just registered could this be why?,

Thanks again.
did you accept EULA?

BIO + Hirntots still going on, thats bout it.
Nevermind, problem solved, needs to click the activate link, Doh!
slac room ftw
Great, 'Your account is too new, please try again in 14 day(s)'
u can play with my account the next 14 days
i made another account to play Nationscup , dont use anymore :P pm me if u want it
go to |FBI|ETPub for immense fun!
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