Suspicous ScreenShot?

image: 00001000-1308083733-3607536624

screenshot taken from a random Germany superhero praccing hard. wh or not
unless you can get damage from the wall and both of them had wallhack, the screenshot is clean.
where do you see hes getting dmg'd right at that moment? low HP could be from before right? or is the red saying hes getting hit at that moment? + axis aint shooting, the gun dmg at the right should be flashing then right? dunno. cant decide :D
The 'puff' of smoke from shooting, unless I'm seeing things again.
not sure, looks like wall texture :D could be both
I'd say it's suspicious anyway, Suiy plays for them so she may be sending slhack to the team. That or snip0 cheats anyway ":D"
look at his HP, its turning red, he is being shot
ye dunno what that rly ment dont play with that hud :D thought it was low health :D
Quoteor is the red saying hes getting hit at that moment?


Quote+ axis aint shooting, the gun dmg at the right should be flashing then right?

Not if you disable it via" cg_drawWeaponIconFlash 0".
I think it's actually turned off by default.
That's clearly wallhack, Garmy8. Seems you lost your skillz :D
yes.. the silhouette seems to be engrained behind the wall hes not infront of the wall
that allies is shooting him..
ye but looking at the gun img the axis aint shooting
You can disable the yellow/red glow-thingie!
weird ss indeed. but

he got shot, his hp is lowering so it cant be that the medic is behind the wall
2 small to be inside wierd position to outside so its inside the wall!! solution the guy walkin in got wallhack :D
Ye, the guy walkin in got WH
size looks weird, you also wouldn't jump this way infight.
however he's getting damaged and this is the only other player in sight-> no wh.
but shouldn't the enemy appear on the radar? usually they appear on the radar when you see/shoot them, don't they?
never noticed in which case they appear (whether they gta stay on the same place for several seconds or as soon as you see them or as soon as you shoot them, or when a teammate spots him, etc.)
just in case you are covertops
if he was behind the wall he would be underground
hp lowering from getting shot and cg_fov 120, screenshot is legit
Hes in front of the wall...
Getting knocked back by a nade can create such a effect.

€: I repell, if its snip0 it must be H44XXX0rnation
you are just scared its you!!!!!111 :D
no i was "busted" for such a pb-screeny too... and ppl didn't stoped talking B*LLSHIT
high fov + slac screens are weird :) get over it, fag :s
not so random and not so much a cheater :)
I always knew I'm cheating!
He's getting shot
A demo could clear the case!
the bullet is in the room, unless you can shoot through wall, its not a wh
who is it?
snip0, read above.
weird indeed ... cant really believe hes inside!
high fov + i'm geussing enemy is jumping. And he gets xp atm maybe from battle sens or maybe from shooting him
If anyone would know, it would be you
clearly not wh rofl...
julian, i iz disappoint.
Finally that filthy cheater's busted!

Always suspected him of using a hack that would allow him to get shot through a wall!
that's not a wallhack? He's clearly infront of the wall =O

hahaha just ban already, 10th time he got busted
else his other ss would be wh to, also he got low texture so its hard to see
he's getting shot behind from own Axis mate and uses wallhack :)
Quite obvious he is getting shot AT, and shooting AT the allies :P
nobody about his enemy spawn timer?
nobody said anything about the enemy spawntimer, look at his clock.. the red number
bad troll 2/10
everytime somebody says somthing like that, i smile a little in the inside.. knowing that your such a fucking nerd
zeg jij dat nu? kk op man nerdje.

smiling in the inside XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

nerdje haha das een goeie:D ja je zal wel anders praten als je me zou zien maarja dat zeggen er genoeg hier op cf:D

je reageerde wel kk snel, nice 24/7 op cf weetje:D

ga spelletjes spelen man, hoop dat je er goed in wordt en dan stoer bent op het internet enzo
ga naar huis man. "zal wel anders praten als je me zou zien" nou OK jij patsertje
tering reply gewoon niet als je me niet mag.
"ga spelletjes spelen man"?? dat doen we toch allemaal als je op deze site beland?

nou doei. kut vmbo' er
mwa heb vwo gedaan, vorig jaar geslaagd. nu bezig met uni dus dat is ook weer van de wereld geholpen.
nee ik speel geen spelletjes. heb tijdenlang ET gespeeld en kijk nu als ik me verveel gwn ff de journals door enzo.

verder begin jij ineens te flamen en te kutten dan mag ik daar best op replyen, ook al vind ik je een kk mongool.

en ik ben zeker geen patsertje maar als mensen een grote mond krijgen mogen ze wel ff op hun punt gezet worden jatoch. word jij anders ff 5 x nederlands kampioen rugby? mwaa dagget niet

hou je bakkes man, jij begint met flamen? maarja ik geloof het allemaal wel met je 3 maanden account. en ja super hoor rugby! geef even je naam, k?
3 maanden + 6 maanden en 1 jaar? waarom wil je mn naam? ga je me opzoeken? dan geef ik wel gelijk mn adres, telefoonnummer en alles erbij.
ja want ik geloof er niets van met je rugby kampioen.. geef gewoon je naam maar.
oh wacht je ben niet 5x kampioen

hey geeft niet :)))))
HRC colts dit jaar , en vorig jaar. junioren ook de 2 jaar ervoor en daarvoor de HRC Cubs. , mijn team is de 3 jaren daarvoor ook kampioen gweest maar toen zat i knog niet op rugby. vraag anders Zenith maar, die speelt bij rotterdam en die kan het wel bevestigen
hahah 5x nederlands kampioen.. gast gewoon kampioen regionaal. geeft niet :P

maarja jij bent zeg maar zo tering serieus is gewoon wel grappig:P

doei fijne vakantie, kmaak ff me schoolexamen en kzie je in spanje doeiiiiiiiii
regionaal? waar lees je dat maat. grote regio dan, met eindhoven en arnhem erbij
nerdje sorry
ja ik heb ok bril.. ga naar huis
wallhack 100%
he isnot getting shot at since you dont see allied on the radar ;D
clearly wallhack xd
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