NextEvolution`s news!

Nextevolution is hosting a new facebook page, sadly the old was got hacked and soon will be removed from facebook!, Nextevolution is looking for supporters to help us by clicking "like" on our new facebook page!, we will do as much information as we can! as soon as we get some info it will be updated on facebook, twitter and on the website!


our twitter page will be updated soon so be prepard for that!

nextevolution will be sending out alot of more information about the orgonizedation so guys be prepard for that!, all updates will be on facebook, twitter, crossfire(sometimes) and irc so keep active and you will be updated:)

thanks alot.
this might be the same as the last post we sent, but this has some more information on what nextevolution is doing and what will happen..
If you want to be taken seriously, make sure someone proofread your texts and that you tidy the texts up a bit.

I'm probably one of few that would care, but I just find it very unprofessional finding a sentence like this: "Hallo, i would like to inform..." on your front page.

And well, "orgonizedation". Really? Quite sloppy.
Oh and stick to one way of typing your team name, preferably NextEvolution.

I like your friendly and diplomatic attitude though, that's always a plus.

oh snap see what I did there
people have there own opinion but my opinion is nextevoltuion has gained great success and will keep things going and going in the future aswell :)
Only good things about the actual org is Cheery and Felix!
glad you like them:) well, mabye you dont know the others, but thats your decision
Org doesn't really have much to do with the teams. I actually dislike the management and the way they go about things.
The orgonizedation of nextevoltuion is doing a good job tbh.
I like orgonizedation
hehe you kicked twinz already? :)) bout time
very goot orgonizedation
thx for the info
we're all pretty fucking shocked
you, my good sir, have no idea
lol old pwr gaming cod4 in nevo now?
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