epic lan was epic

Yo crossies,

Wanna say thanks to Sean and Merli for all the things they did for us even if there was some delay and most of the comps had issues.
It was really was a great time with all of you guys, i'm looking forward to the next lan. Then I can record "Baggiez - King of the Beer 2" :D

I wanna thank all my e-buddies for these nice moments

rAffou <3]image: rubon4
France karnaj <3
France An7ho
France Tesla
Netherlands Jesse
Netherlands rAtte
Netherlands 7ele
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands adeto
Germany eujen (and charline too)
Germany Bl4d3
Germany stRay
image: 0256018F01325738-c2-photo-harry-potter-et-la-coupe-de-feu

Netherlands pds
Netherlands Carlos
Netherlands TwizZt
Netherlands Jenniey
Belgium plAyer
Belgium chry
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium AL1 (muhahahhaah owned at waterpolo!)
Belgium undead (muhahahhaah owned at waterpolo!)
Belgium Jere (muhahahhaah owned at waterpolo!)
olgaa]image: Roger-Federer
Belgium P5Y
Poland cisy
Poland zmk
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland Numeric
Poland dialer (don't forget to send me THE video man!)
United Kingdom Scarzy
Baggiez (yarly)]image: vomit
United Kingdom Kamz
United Kingdom miXer (funny guy)
United Kingdom meez
Scotland keando
Turkey Fireball
Sweden Cupcake

And many more, sorry if forgot you.


PS : Secret video about scumbaggiez incoming :>
PS2 : "I love rAffou"
PS3 : "I love karnaj more"
PS4 : To understand PS2 and 3 you had to be in winfakt's room yesterday :p
Baggiez God of ET, God of Beer
I didn't play waterpolo:D
sure! loosers always say that :)
no I really didn't:D think u got me confused or something cause I was sitting on the chair outside of the pool
there was at least two guys of bF in there :D
AL1 uNDEAd & Jere!
ahhh :D nvm, we won anyway :{D
lol :P we were winning till our 4th left => 3v5 unfair yo
QuotePS4 : To understand PS2 and 3 you had to be in winfakt's room yesterday :p

hehehehe :PPp so mysterious :PppPPp
yeah man e-thugs
ring of fire, ZING!
I saw that you typed scary instead of scarzy..

Great night last night though dude!
hahaha was awesomely crazy! scary yeahh... my bad, you ain't scary at all anyway :DDDD
gonna pm you in few days about something, are you going on holidays this summer btw?

Thanks dude, yeah im away from next sunday [10th] till the 8th of August or something travelling. I'm back from LAN on Wednesday so hit me up then or something!
you're staying in enschede for holidays? :o who's staying there too?
Naw - I'm here until tomorrow morning then I go back to Amsterdam.

Next sunday I begin my european travels!
If you're coming to Lille - France, just let me know! you could sleep on my sofa :p
Ill let you know, give me your number in a PM just in case ;)
karnaj sexiest buy there
<3 fart face!
its An7tho :DDDDDDDD

u had a good ride home?
did loic drive safe? ;:DDD
yeah! :D i'm still alive!
Was great <3
im from fucking sweden.

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