5-2 = 3 !

Grats anexis, deserved winner.

Too bad dignitas, prefered to see you guys win!

shoutouts to everyone who spoke to me !

hope you all had fun

and Netherlands ATI hahahahaaaaaaaaaaa
you played really well
Nice playing by nevo, hope you dont fold but keep rockin'
anexis deserved winner but i prefered nevo in the finals:)
Nevo played really good as expected, hope you guys keep rolling ^^

undead played great as always (same to other members)
Gut gespielt man :)
Great backstab man :)
wp lazio though you were doing better with me cheering for u guys :<
played very well, after our first loss against you I was pretty convinced you guys would win the event. But shit happens, next year #2 and then #1 huh ;)
In all seriousness: You guys raped, well done.
In all seriousness: YOU rape!
In all seriousness: I miss you :(
Did you notice that i even made a seeking team post yesterday, but then i realised that maybe this game is just for me anymore. Sorry bro :( . But hows your life? :)
Nar didn't realise that at al, although I can see why you wouldn't botherl! Life is really good thanks, just finished uni, and bumming around till I start work in a few months :). You?
go go NEVO
I've seen better
Good job guys! Amazing work.
6-4 = not in final?!
Well played guys seriously
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