your weight?


I thought I can handle working in the nights without any problem until last week:|!
I recently started working in the nights at a supermarket and I am losing weight like WTF.

April of 2008: 70kg
August of 2008: 85kg
September of 2009: 95kg
July of 2010: 102kg
June of 2011: 90kg
July of 2011: 84kg

e: height still the same (187cm)

Anyone else having weight problems? :DDDDDDD

since i was 15yo, i'm 22 right now :D
I think you're overweight anyway.
only if you consider a BMI of42 overweight
42 ...the fuck oO
problem officer?
cant imagine this
cuz i got like 20
and dunno how much more 42 is.
irony detector...
get one

my bmi is 21
178 cm

before i stopped going to gym roughly 85kg
down to 72 in 1 year, now after one year back at 80 (omnomnom)
seems to be normal now
lol :P me too
ask alexL

sometimes I had 57-58 but lost some weight during exams, it was really exhausting :[
dude, I'm not anorexic.. I got small bones and fast metabolism, it's normal :) when I was attending gym I gained some kgs but then went out of money, so fuck it
how old are you?
20 years and my mother was also slim as hell when she was young so I expect to be overweight when I'm married :P
4 more years and your metabolism will become normal

that's the moment where you'll get megafat megafast, so better prepare yourself for that moment and make sure you've got a gym license to transform that fat right into muscles

you won't stay as skinny as you are now, trust me

& your BMI says you're underweight ;)
25 here, still not happening :)

(bmi just in the normal range though)
my BMI says that since 7th grade. I was a bit chubby in elementary school but I grew for 20cms in one year ;) neither me nor people can believe how much I'm able to eat without gaining weight.. so yeah, I guess I'll have to prepare that gym card in the future :D
It hits you like a truck, take it from me :P
aye sir! :D
Same here! Before surgery I worked out alot, doesn't help THAT much with the weight if you burn through it like that (you need to try and eat even more), but you will "look" less skinny :D
there were times when I lost my apetite because of stress at uni and I was forcing myself to eat a bit more and same at gym, cause I was afraid of losing weight :D I lost some fat and gained some muscles, but when I left gym I lost muscle mass and became sad :P I cold easily go for 6 packs now haha
Haha same here :D
Working out when stressed out because of uni is a good idea though imo. Less stress, more appetite :)
indeed, but I'm going for cheaper way now: long walks in nature and maybe some bicycle. feels like A BOSS :D and indeed, I realized the same - if you study and don't move much, you don't eat as you should. especially for me cause I smoke a lot when I study. so measures had to be taken! :)
tbh, I was always planning to buy and use that, but I always ran out of money when I spent for gym. I tried to replace that with food but it's not easy as it sounds :)
It's atleast an easy source for protein and probably good for muscle gain. No idea if it's actually healthy considering all the chemical stuff in there :-P

I prefer natural protein sources like meat, fish and dairy products :-)
There's only so much you can actually eat in a day :P
These shakes are like milkshakes so they're easier to take in.
Yea that's true. I also used these shakes a couple of months ago but didn't find them too special. I was also missing my meat and tuna :-D

I still got some left though in case I need some REALLY quick dinner or just don't have any other sort of protein left and the shops are closed (APOCALYPSE!!1)
Thats normal till your around 22. I could eat whatever I want till my 22. Now I have to do some exercise to still healthy. The older you become, the harder it is to stay thin.
oh sh- then it will come soon :D
first phase : denial.
2nd phase : sarcastic comments on the person pointing out the anorexic patient is in denial.
3rd phase : doing the phase game to other people to hide your own issues.
haha rolled
hahahaha die foto in u profiel.. pfffff :DdD ILU MAATIM xxxxx
Hahha no :D I'm totally fine about myself!
youre a bit like me
over 170 and 58 kg
do you have a super slim or normal look? once I met some guy who looked like he had at least 5kgs less than me and I ended up realizing he had more than me :D
i look very slim
you see my bones when im swimming easyly :(
June of 2007: 110kg
June of 2009: 65 kg
June of 2011: 75kg
u had limb amputation?
Military service @ 2009? ;D
08 but only lost 10kgs in 6 months there.(95->85 which happened pretty much in the first 2 months) really not the best way to lose weight with all that food available :D
Heh, itel ~85kg -> 70kg ja intin jälkee joku 73-75kg paino (2009). Nykyää lähemmäks 90kg muskeleita ja kaljamahaa. :(
june 2010: 100 kg
july 2011: 90 kg

1.95 m

180 cm - 66 kg
Height : 182 cm

August 2010 : 63 kg
July 2011 : 73 kg
Height : 204cm
January 2011 : 100kg
KlitschkO ?!
are you a bear like vladimir klitschko? :D
do you got hair on your chest? =D
dem bitchez like it, i believe hrhr^^
ofc they do m8
171 cm
65 kg

I got big balls.
80 @180 i guess, toggling between 78-83 usually

aiming for 97kg with 16-17% bf in the next 2 months

Off to gym now aswell, slept for 14 hours o_O
im not sure why but i laughed ^^__^^

7% bf
500 euros heavier after SAGE lan

image: m1ayregwatkp
would be funnier if the prize money was in sterling , then you coulda said 500 pounds heavier after sage lan;)
haha true:D
195cm 80kg or so barely boddy fat im quite muscled and just really skinny
April of 2008: 140kg
August of 2008: 135kg
September of 2009: 105kg
July of 2010: 115kg
June of 2011: 115kg
July of 2011: 115kg
93 kg
still not impressed :SSSSS
was jij degene op wie ik men blauw stokje heb laten vallen?:XD
What was in that thing? Coke/speed?
Haha nah, one of our sponsors has its own kind of energy powder which u gotta eat/breathe in through that little blue thing.
So you're big in all dimensions.
almost ! we didn't check somewhere ..

88kg 2009 too big! cardio now!
80kg spring 2010 started gym
83kg 2010 summer
96kg february this year gained too much lulz diet now!
88kg april this year
86kg atm
Geiler Sprung auf 96 :D
jo, hab mit 5x5 angefangen, gut muskeln aufgebaut, aber da auch kein fußball war, kam auch gut fett dazu :D
5x5 ist gut :) Hatte ich auch gemacht !
beste was man im ersten jahr training machen kann imo
Ich hab einen Sprung von 63 auf 85 Kg mit 5x5 gemacht in 6 monaten :) Kfa ist bei 13% geblieben.
Allerdings sind meine Beine so massiv geworden dass ich jetzt Hautrisse für denn Rest meines lebens habe :(
(zus chneller wachstum) Ist mittlerweile aber alles viel langsamer geworden :S Nur 5 Kg in den letzten 12 Monaten.
Jo, mir haben so gut wie keien Hosen mehr gepasst :D
Nach der Diät jetzt gehts wieder^^
i m at ~ 85 kg 190 cm have to lose now gained to much over the exam time.
muay thai ll do it ;)
6ft 2in

12 1/2 stone
gtfo with ur feet, inches and stones : D
76 kg - June 2010, 175cm

63 kg - July 2011, 179cm :-)

121 2009
68 2010
90 now

will bulk till january
180 cm 103 kg feb 2011
180 cm still!! 86 kg now

On and Off season

97,5 (1.1.2011)
84,5 (2.7.2011)

Morning 85kg
Evening 87kg

How you got off that 10kg
i stopd eating kornflakes @ night :)

Normal Day:

5:30 - 6:00
wake up, get awake (no breakfast)


9:00 - 9:30
pause, eating 2 Wurstsemmeln [sausage-rolls? xD dont know the english translation xD]


12:00 - 12:30
pause (eating nothing)

working till 16:15, drive home

16:30 - 22:00(+- 30mins)
take a shower, eating something, HAVE FUN HAVE FUN... till 22:00, go to bed

so how i got down those KILOS? ... reduced EATING :DD (2/3 meals @ 1 day)
So you are saying I should ditch these candies I am currently eating? :D

Some people say you should not eat after 19.00 but I need to eat something in order to get sleep. For the last week I've reduced my hot meals from 2 major to 1 major, will try to stop eating garbage and keep on exercising :p

I am not sure if yours is the healthiest way to go since people need to eat but it certainly seems to work on dropping extras off :p
184cm... 84kg (and i had 78 last year)
while playing et: 90kg
for the last yrs: 80kg

hmm. :-)
182 cm 78kg. Gain a few pounds a year, thats it :D
182 cm 85kg, going to army in 2 days, hoping to lose about 10kg fat and gain 5-8kg of muscle
Wiifit said my age is 43 :*(
178 cm
around 78 kg
27.01.2009 - 176,6 kg
27.06.2009 - 162,6 kg
27.01.2010 - 149,2 kg
27.06.2010 - 133,6 kg
27.01.2011 - 114,2 kg
27.06.2011 - 104,9 kg
27.01.2012 - ~90,0 kg (hopefully :))

@ 185 cm.

Weight loss journey pictures:
(Weight in these pictures: ~180->138->123->107)

Hope to break the 100 kg mark this month still!

And congratulations to all the other guys in this journal that lost weight!

image: verlauf
wow well done
tell me your secret!
nice i'm only gaining weight :P
Props to you, looking sharp!
Bald wieg ich ja mehr als du. ;o
Wenn du nicht gut was zugelegt hast, müsste ich aber schon noch einiges verlieren :->
Ernähr mich halt nicht so gesund wie du, trinke gern Bier und beweg mich wenig. :p
Ja gut, meine Liebe zu Bier trifft mich auch immer ziemlich fies :-(
Alleine jetzt über die 2 Tage in Holland wieder 2,5 kg zugelegt. Aber gut, da war auch das Essen teils wieder echt suboptimal, wenn auch lecker z.T. :-P
Is there excessive skin left from old times? Or it goes off in time?
Yeah there is some left and it will probably not shrink back to normal, so most likey I have to see a surgeon about it some day. I'll see how bad it is in 2 years. Apparently that's the time the skin could need to go back again. Everything that's left after this time won't get normal.
Will see :-)
I asked because I saw video of a guy who also lost a lot of weight but had very much skin left, and they had to cut it off :O
are u experiencing big stretchmarks? if not, the skin will indeed get back to its normal size. only stretchmarks indicate the skin is fucked and youd probably have to see a surgeon about those areas.

very nice progress tho man im really impressed, havent seen alot of ppl with those problems that had the motivation to keep it up. gj
hehe, not bad ;)
gratz !!!!
haha der graph :D du bist der tore!
Nice, don't you feel 100 times better now? :)
man sieht dass es dir gut tut =)
stolze leistung und das auch noch durchzuhalten.
What did you do at the start when your weight was at 176kg? I mean, isn't it hard to do exercises or so?
I was actually still pretty active compared to other people with the same weight I guess. But yea, that weight was just insane :-X
So you were doing exercises?
Nono, but I was still walking around like normal guys and not just sitting on the couch like some others with this weight. Guess that kinda saved me in the end, also considering diabetes and all that crap :O
really nice man, you actually have a normal face behind all of that blob! great job !
wtf das verdient respekt, sieht deutlich besser aus.. no homo!
wow,guess that wasnt really easy for you,a lot of sacrifice is giving you now good results

keep the good work and gratz.
2 worte: fetten respekt! sieht gut aus
hab auch nen bekannten der ähnliches durchgemacht hat.
mittlerweile ist er fast schon zu dürr.. man sieht rippen & schlüsselbein etc.
und er ist jogging junkie geworden. wahnsinn...
i saw you at cc6 live and now the last pic 6.2011 WOW!
really good work!
Holy shit well done. You look like a totally different guy. Post it here they will go mad.
Thanks! Might post it there when I'm done at the end of this summer. Can't brag about an unfinished project ;->
Wow. Riesengroßen Respekt.
Darf man fragen wie du das geschafft hast? Ernährungsumstellung?
Mein Bruder hat leider das gleiche Problem, aber er kriegt die Kilos net weg.

Im Grunde war es eine reine Ernährungsumstellung von heute auf morgen und mittlerweile auch doch ein recht straffes Sportprogramm, was mir aber sehr viel Spaß macht!

Ich habe dann angefangen auf so gut wie alle Fertiggerichte zu verzichten (Soßen, fertig mariniertes und alles andere was man so in Supermärkten findet) und quasi alles in Verbindung mit Zucker. Es ist mittlerweile eine Abwandlung von Schlank im Schlaf (nach Dr. Pape) bei mir geworden. Sprich:

Morgens: Viele gute Kohlenhydrate (Müsli, Vollkornbrot etc)
5 Stunden nichts, keine Limonaden, gezuckerter Kaffee, Snacks o.ä.. Nur Wasser/schwarzer Kaffee/Tee.
Mittags: Gesunde Mischmahlzeit. Kann aber auch ruhig mal Pizza o.ä. geben, damit man nicht in eine Fressattacke verfällt eines Tages. Auch durchaus ein Dessert.
5 Stunden wieder nichts
Abends: Keine Kohlenhydrate, nur Eiweiß (Fleisch/Fisch/Milchprodukte + Gemüse/Salat)

Ich persönlich finde diese Umstellung extrem hilfreich und einfach, da man sich bei allen Mahlzeiten satt essen soll und auch muss, um die 5 Stunden Pause durchzustehen. Das Ganze basiert darauf, dass der Insulinspiegel die Fettverbrennung unterbricht. D.h. wenn er nach dem Essen langsam wieder sinkt, wird die Fettverbrennung angekurbelt. Würde man zwischendurch jedoch irgendwas essen/trinken zwischendurch, würde der Spiegel wieder nach oben schnellen, wodurch keine Fettverbrennung stattfinden kann.

Da es eine Ernährungsumstellung ist und keine Crash Diät ist natürlich der Abnehmkreislauf relativ unregelmäßig und kann auch mal nach oben gehen. Jedoch verliert man im Schnitt 200-1000g Gewicht pro Woche, was durchaus im gesunden Rahmen ist.

Gibt noch wesentlich mehr Informationen online. Das einzige was dabei wirklich wichtig ist, ist dass man sich mit Lebensmitteln auseinandersetzt, d.h. was ist drin und wieviel von was (Kohlenhydrate, Eiweiß, Fett..), aber das wird auch alles sehr anschaulich erklärt.

2much sport so i can eat as much as i want and wont go fat never.
01.2008 - 68kg
06.2008 - 71kg
01.2009 - 73kg
06.2009 - 75kg
01.2010 - 77kg
06.2010 - 79kg
01.2011 - 82kg
06.2011 - 85kg

ME @ 1.88m

I'm getting FAT :(
go to gym skinny fuckers :D
Why should I waste money on going to gym? I'm able to find plenty of women who aren't just interested in muscle, I don't need to spend lots of time and money to get laid. I do exercise though but not to build body mass.

Anyway, I don't understand all these heights and weights posted here, we mainly use imperial for some reason in UK when talking about a persons height and weight :p
I'm not saying you must to go to gym to get laid. LOL :D

Working out can help you look and feel younger.

1. Exercise improves your mood.
2. Exercise combats chronic diseases.
3. Exercise helps you manage your weight.
4. Exercise boosts your energy level.
5. Exercise promotes better sleep.
6. Exercise can put the spark back into your sex life.
7. Exercise can be, gasp, fun!

Do you get it now? :D

I don't need to spend lots of money to get laid eighter the quickest way is to go party. Many girls want to fuck. Believe me life experience.
Your initial post seemed like you was telling folk to get muscles, you said 'skinny fuckers', my bad.

Yeah they're main reasons I exercise but I would never pay to do something I can do at home or outdoors so I've never joined a gym :)

Agree on last part, just come back from Thailand, lots of horny tourists :)))))) (managed to avoid the lady boys!)
hehehe :D
Why am I not surprised that no girls have posted their own weight?

done cause theres nothing to be shamed of?! :o
Was referring to the few "select" girls who decided to show up to Lan.
68kg on 1.88m :P
168cm and i always s have weight around 50kg . 2~kilos
174.22 cm & 74 kg, got 6 kg during last 6 years
180cm 75kg
190cm 85kg
184 cm
83 kg
Lol guys stop nerding all night and start eating + gym

176 cm 90 kg
Funny you should post this, as I have just embarked on my own muscle building campaign as of today. Literally stepped into the gym this morning ^^

So my weight at the moment is 11 1/2 stone, but I donno what that means, my body is fucking skinny, so I donno where that weight is coming from :D probably my massive cock
184 cm
stable 60 kg for over a year
2007 - 59kg
2011 - 73kg

same height with 1.85m
190 cm / 90 kg
April of 2008: 187cm
August of 2008: 156cm
September of 2009: 163cm
July of 2010: 176cm
June of 2011: 184cm
July of 2011: 195cm

e: weight still the same (75kg)
QuoteApril of 2008: 187cm
August of 2008: 156cm
September of 2009: 163cm
July of 2010: 176cm
June of 2011: 184cm
July of 2011: 195cm
sorry, let me change that into kg.

o wait
September 2010 : 63 kg
July 2011 : 70 kg

179 cm
my bmi is perfect, 22.7

so according to that bmi bullshit which couldnt be more inaccurate i should be laying in a hospital bed with doctors trying to keep me alive but im healthy like a horse
um what? xD
i'm extremely obese according to this bmi
178cm - 86 kg

i go every 2nd day to gym :)

Gained like 20 kg in 1 year
1.95m / 87kg

4 monhts ago i was 116kg, kinda big :D :P

now im 91kg hahahahah

i decided to not be "big" anymore, problem with clothes etc + i feel much better now :)
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