runing an ETTV server

I used to have my own ETTV servers so I kinda know how to deal with it,I just can't find ( or remember ) the exec command that I need to do @ the ssh making it connect to the game server,
looking for some documentation or something like that,thanks.
i dont know lol
me too lol
me three lol
tv connect <ip> <ettv-pw> <gpw>
documentation is available here:
Yea,saw that wiki,but there is no info over there about how sould I run ettv.x86...
I mean like "set fs_game etpro +set ettv_" and etc..
./ettv.x86 +set net_port xxxxx +set com_hunkMegs <slots*0.8 + 48> +set sv_maxclients <slots> +set ettv_sv_maxslaves 0 +set fs_game etpro +set ettv_clientname "ingame name of the ettv" +tv connect <ip> <ettv-pw> <pw>
something along those lines is a good place to start.
ettv_sv_maxslaves 0 is a trick which allows normal clients aswell as other tvs to connect (no slot assignments/reserves), if you want other tvs to be able to connect to your tv then you also need to set ettv_password
And another thing,instead of running it with all of those variables I got an ettv config file who's got all of those in can I run normal but it will read it out of it?
thanks rly! :)
./ettv.x86 +exec yourconf.cfg
put yourconf.cfg in etmain
You might want to have a look at this if you're looking for a bit more comfort in handling the server
I would have helped you if I could :(
dunno too lol
haven't got the slightest clue :<
tv connect <IP> <ettv_password> <g_password>(gameserver pw)
Thats how I tell the server to connect to another server,Im looking for the exec commands that I need to run @ the ssh so make the ETTV server runing first.
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