Help from people with facebook! :)
13 Jul 2011, 15:19
Hey, I'll explain more or less what I need.
As some of you know I play poker and atm I making enough money to pay my own stuff but I'd like to make some more.
This guy: (just check grah, is only 1month :D) offers 1h free coaching for the 5guys that spam his facebook more.
The only thing I need is that you go to
click "Like" and write Sergi Torras in the wall.
I'd really appreciate it, with that 1h coaching (if would be paid would be like 400€/h :D) I hope to improve my game a lot! :)
Thanks for your help <3
As some of you know I play poker and atm I making enough money to pay my own stuff but I'd like to make some more.
This guy: (just check grah, is only 1month :D) offers 1h free coaching for the 5guys that spam his facebook more.
The only thing I need is that you go to
click "Like" and write Sergi Torras in the wall.
I'd really appreciate it, with that 1h coaching (if would be paid would be like 400€/h :D) I hope to improve my game a lot! :)
Thanks for your help <3
studivz hatte ich dich mal? aber hab meinen account gelöscht
such mich!
always hated CG although its pretty much the way to constantly make money for a living.
Goal achieved successfully!
PS: Don't have facebook, so sorry about that.
I'm getting in your arse now!
jk done :)
with 1,xxx € its a good job yet :D
gl with it!