schnee and the mornin'

Good morning peepz‘

Some have requested a good morning journal. So here we are. =)
First thing: I OVERSLEPT first day after3rd day this week where I had pick up at 7am and I didn’t reach the car :/ So they did bets at work ^^ LOL!

Questions of the day:

do u stand up early or sleep long? sleep long!

Goin to PHX LAN? dunno thoought there is on near london. if not, prolly yes!

Do you live in a big city/village or small town? next to the big berlin city

Schnee Song:
Radio song :
oldschool song:

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael (finally back), CONFO !), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko(!), .ee & .fin =), the GANG(<3), m!das, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFEL!, ALAN (:o) and my buddies + special to R..

image: ashton-kutcher
image: HB2NIlq1_Ax428

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =)image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
first !

2 more days to go for me, moving everything to the house we bought on saturday finally. Also my 4 week long holiday starts on friday :D

... so my 2 last days in the office before summer break :D ... unfortunately not going anywhere this summer... need to do alot of stuff at the house T_T + playing a shitload of SC2 ofc, as soon as ladder season 3 starts on 20.July !

about ur questions:
- sleep long... i normally come to work around 9:30 or even later :D
- PHX LAN ... ofc not :D
- small city with ~40.000 ppl

have a nice day honey ! <3
have a nice day 2. i guess u have still lot to do. will u renovate a lot since it looks pretty awesome alrdy imo :o
well we already renovated toilets and some other stuff from the bath. Painting is done, and the chimney will be changed soon (closed with some glas)... oh and it is painted red now :D

but the house is in a very good shape yes, so not really "big things" to renovate, but alot of smaller things.
the fireplace needs to be done when I come to visit you. nackt aufm bärenfell und so :DD

Saskia dürfte aber natürlich !!111
all in red no flowers nothing spectacular? :) post pics when its all done!
i will do so on fb :)

but most of the furniture won't be delivered before End of August/Early September :(
u bought a bootcamp house?
almost :)

gonna make my own SC2 progaming team soon ! ;D
Goin to bed at 2+3am, getting up at 5:40am, been that way for like a year now... army. + due to recent events I'm finding it harder to fall asleep so I'm pretty much crushed most of the day
lama ata lo one tzair mefager? kvar shaftu otha?
good that u're showing u take care of ur health. keep it up
don't badmouth this brave soldier please
I was just being supportive, isn't it obvious?
no, please apologize.
I won't apologize for doing a good deed, sorry bro.
good morning boy. feeling better?
thats less sleep :o i couldnt this longer than one week imo!
Good morning schneez‘

do u stand up early or sleep long?
usually sleep long, I need ~10 hours to feel rested even though I am an old man. weird.

Goin to PHX LAN?
nah, too far, too nerdish...too shy

Do you live in a big city/village or small town?
I live in a 12,000 people village next to saarbrücken, which is basicly a big bitter village. but I like it.

I'm tired and already ate my croissant, but I am still hungry :(
i need a lot of sleep as well. and im still tired maybe i should sleep earlier but i always try and cannot sleep :(

anyway lucky me i can come to work when id like to :)

have a nice day!
same to you :)
hai guten morgen!!

early as fuck, without a choice :(!

phx lan? plx i cant leave the country for the next 2.5 years :(
poor boy. rly!

do u wear colors as well? :D
wear colors? what does that mean :#
u mean uniform? yes?
pic@inbox :->
is it a famas? im discussing with colleagues about :D
m16+grenade launcher :D
morning saskia. slept pretty well, which is surprising on this heat. but I think that's because I was fucking exhausted with work and drinking. not selling peaches today wuuuhuuu, we're pausing till sunday (those grown we sold, now waiting for new sorts to grow). so now off to pub for some black balkan coffee, then later I'm going to the pool side with my friends since there's no time atm to go on the sea side :)

1. I always like to get up as early as I can, but without feeling tired. ofc sometimes I gotta sleep longer cause if I don't I'll be tired whole day. I would like nothing more than to go to sleep at 12:00 am and wake up at 6:00 am, but ofc not possible.

2. no

3. now over the summer I live in my home village with 500 people and 150 houses (fuck yeah), but over the year I'm going to the university in a big city, and I live there almost all the time (thank god :) )

kissy kissy schnee. I expect a shoutout next time :>
hi2u :)

its cold here and rainy so mood could be better :(
500 ppl is rly small. guess u knwo all with name.
in school's days : early otherwise long sleep
PHX LAN : no
Do you live in a big city/village or small town : depends what you call big and small. My city = 15 000 nerds, it's small for me. But next year (in 2 mounths héhé) i'm going to the big city toulouse :D
toulouse sounds nice! =)
good morning dear <3 :* thanks for the shoutout awww :*

Do u stand up early or sleep long?
actually i always get up early, usually somewhere between 7.00 and 9.00AM
i feel like i'm wasting my day if i sleep too long.. dunno.

Goin to PHX LAN?
to what? *google* no. :D

Do you live in a big city/village or small town? next to the big berlin city
small village which is soooooooooo annoying but at the same time also kinda awesome.

urgh, university soon and i so don't wna go. but! it's my last day for this semester and then I'M FREE!!!! well... besides work and stuff.. BUT I'M FREE! :D
this weekend i'm gna go to lübeck to visit my best friend and party on saturday. i still don't wna go tho. 500km for a party seems kinda... weird :D

awww you had me at... NO!

just because im jewish np

besides work and stuff.. BUT I'M FREE! isnt it a nice feeling? ;)

i feel like i'm wasting my day if i sleep too long i got same feeling but but i always fail :(

have a good day and lot of fun at weekend. 500km for your best friend is OK!

thanks sweetie, hope you have a good day as well
Pictures around your house please.
what for? =.=
because villages are awesome! im so use to the city so would like to see
lol, i read "girls" and instantly clicked on it and i was like wtf :D

i always wake up late, even army couldn't change the habit
no LAN
small town, its more like borough
cmon hes nice guy :)
nothing against him :) great actor, but i was misreading and thought there will be a girl pic incoming :D:D
do u stand up early or sleep long? on a weekday up early and on the weekend sleep long :)

Goin to PHX LAN? Yes it's only up the road an hour for me so i will be there.... see you there gorgeous? :)

Do you live in a big city/village or small town? Bristol so a small City
im still thinking about going. not sure cause its only for 2 days..
have good day paul :)
do u stand up early or sleep long? sleep long!

Goin to PHX LAN? No, Too Expensive

Do you live in a big city/village or small town? New Delhi, 14 million peeps :)
14million this is rly crazy. what r u doing there? job, school?
yes it actually very crazy comparing to european cities. This is like a sea of people.

Delhi has an area of 1,483 sq km with so many people there -,-

yes i have a job :)
what r u doing? =)
My Company is into supplying , installing, erection of pipes, Tanks in the industrial area. My job is to see how much material is sent to the clients and how much more is left to sent :D, ordering material, making offers for industries and I have to go to the Factories where all this material is being installed.
I got an erection, ÅÅÅÅÅHHH
/Swansea? Should be in london.

/last year Budapest - 2 million ppl. now Bognor 20-30k :D
i agree on this but i guess they wont change it.

so is this the lan??! last for this year?! thought there will be one more. toss or whoever can you please confirm....!
No idea, first time i heard there is a lan again :)
whers my shoutout?:(
:o worth to be in? :P
been waking up around 11:00 for the past 2 months
in a small town with about 6k people
11am sounds good although in summer its ok to stand up at 9-10 :)
the earliest i got up in the last 2 months was 10:00 : )
oh hf there!
i woke up
dont know
Good Morning
sleep long most of times! next to the big city frankfurt :P

oversleeping ftw!!

oh yeah and this lan? nowai!! i am still curious who came up with this place :o
i dunno but maybe u should come so we meet since i dunno when my boss let me flight again to mainz :/

Thank you for the shoutout :DD

1. sleep long if nothing is planned, i can easily wake up at 6 (as i did today) if i have stuff to do, which is very rarely :D

2. Have to see closer to the time but hopefully!!

3. 30 minutes from London in a town, hopefully in london soon though
i could never wake up easy at 6 am :o

have a nice day alex!
:) you too, ill be around to smash some et later if youre aroond
guten morgen :>

do u stand up early or sleep long? depends, when i start study again I have to leave house @ 7:25 for my bus else I try to sleep a bit longer :p atm, any sleep is great but so difficult.

Goin to PHX LAN? sure, only <40 mins drive away but may take the bus down.

Do you live in a big city/village or small town? almost 15k here in our (quite famous/historical) valley town. don't like cities so it's nice to live right next to our national park etc :)
im so mad with myself that i failed today ://
oh come on how you fail? :p did you have to drive to work yourself or did your lift wait? :{
i had to drive alone :( he waited 10min. i was 20min late :PP
;) btw you should be working not trying to join irc :o

i wanted to look if i can join webirc :P it works! boooh!
sure you can, but stay longer than 1 min next time ^^

do u stand up early or sleep long? sleep veryvery long, but unfortunately I can't do so too often (fu uni :$)

Goin to PHX LAN? dunno, might be working that date..If not, depends on who ele is going to attend.
Do you live in a big city/village or small town? 70k inhabitants, so semi-big?

e_ I have seen this random girl before, go find a new one!
hola :) i didnt post the girl before. so it stays! ;) next time different one for sure!

70k sound semi big ;)
morning image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
morning boy =)
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
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