m_pitch program

I bought a new mouse. I used to have a razer mouse, so I was able to change the x/y sensitivity apart from eachother.

I searched a bit on the web but I didn't find a program for changing my x/y-sens.

Maybe somebody knows one?

(This is not only for ET)

For everyone asking:

Whats your new mouse?
That doesn't really help my question... SS Xai
maybe the solution differs depending on the mouse?
I was just curious. I don't really know any program to be honest, but i was just wondering what kind of new mouse doesn't have the x/y thing. Unless you had some shit mouse i can't see a reason (bu shit i mean everything other than razer/logitech/microsoft/steelseries).

Are you sure you have the latest drivers available? It's weird it doesn't allow you to change it.
QuoteThe hardware settings tab has the usual independent X and Y axes sensitivity options (which SteelSeries measures in the proper cpi – counts per inch – rather than the erroneous dpi), and the mouse will let you switch between two sensitivities quickly via a switch behind the scroll wheel.
Seems like it doesn't really support the x/y control :X sell the mouse and buy new Logitech G400 :>
Of course it doesn't, but it may help him find the answer. That's what you're after, right
That's why I also replied on his question...
should be in ur mouse driver, if its not, then its not
which printer do you have?
what mouse u got now? if its a logitech get setpoint drivers. else u have to google and hope you find something.
What size is your usb stick?
Bij de meeste gaming muis drivers zit da gwn?

welke muis ebtge?
See EDIT---------------
second kzal adie er es voor late kijke ;)

da al geprobeerd?

ik heb zo'n muis nie dus ik kan het nie volledig bekijken, maar kdenk wel dat deze driver het meeste uit je muis zal halen.
Dat is de driver? Die heb ik er op staan ja maar vind nergens de aanpassing voor x/y sens..
kzal es verder kijken, geef me even :)

btw, hebje al een ander profiel proberen aanmaken op de driver? kom anders even irc tzal gemakkelijker helpen zijn.
ben op irc, #belgian.fraternity
razer drivers. Zoekt es in tutorials ier op cf. Ge kunt razer drivers late werken me ongeveer elke muis van toen(mx518 etc) dus mss lukt da me dees ook wel ;)
what mouse?
what mouse do you have ?
haha lolling my ass off hahah :xD
What mouse is it?
what is your new mouse?
are u really needing that?
You used to be able to use Razer drivers even if you didn't own a Razer mouse by changing some variables (I've used diamondback drivers with MX518).

Try google for it to find it, shouldn't be that hard. Don't know if it'll be compatible with your mouse though!
Do you think it is better than setpoint? xD
Used it for like a day and decided it wasn't for me. I don't use Setpoint either though so no clue. :p
ahah i see :> i've read about it back at 2007 or something but never really gave it a try. I use setpoint to control the hz etc (G5 / G500.. mx518 doesn't support the hz thing i guess)
Uhm I change mousehz with hidusbf, so no clue if Setpoint does it. I know in 2005 it only changed DPI. :D
It's alot easier using setpoint, plus i don't know anything to change hz at windows 7 xD
do you have mAus?

Mix tonight!
of course! get the esti's and senji too!

edit: wait, you done with exams or what?
Nono, I'm just at my mother's place for 2 days and have set up the old PC. Will be heading to my uni flat tomorrow again to study and do the exams. Next time I could play again would be the 28th or something :-D
aaah ok! well see ya tonight then!
people with their fancy settings on their fancy mouses...
Well, there's probably a reason why he aims like a biest.
what do you need it for?
what mouse do you have ?
xai doesn't have this option,but imo not really needed
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