schnee on friday highday

Good morning peepz,

Arrived at work. Woke up at 5. Commented on razz journal. Wtf leave him alone? Its not all about the look! after this i fall in sleep again :o :) now work till 4 pm!

Questions of the day:
Whats ur biggest minus? Impatience!
Fan of anime? Yes :x
Plans for weekend?? Biking today after work; open air tomorrow! Sunday dunno so far. Maybe finally cleaning my car…

EDIT: andrew u got me with ur pics!! trying to get this planned. so cya prolly swansea :D need cheap hotel/room or w/e :)

Schnee Song:
Radio song :

image: nyiqlkmun98n
image: johnny_depp_47
image: 4405601484_988b88b8c3

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael (finally back), CONFO !), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko(!), .ee & .fin =), the GANG(<3), m!das, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFEL!, ALAN (:o) and my buddies + special to R..

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

EDIT cause im bit addicted :D :
good morning *yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn*

Whats ur biggest minus? I'm also really impatient. I can't stand losing.
Fan of anime? nope
Plans for weekend?? still, bbq at my brother's :P

have a good weekend my lovely fränd. and everyone else too.
since noone has replyed to you im doing it right now!

good'ay manu how are you? dont drink too much @ bbq !!!
I'm pretty good, my weekend started 3 hours ago ;P
how are you larsmate?
im fine thanks. atm im searching for a job till i start you think heinz ketchup is good to work at?
heinz ketchup is auf jeden lecker :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
bewerbung geht gleich raus :P
what schnee said
what i said ;)
smoke one on me :) I ran out tonight personally :(
ran out means?! :)
Ran out = none left
i saw nic fanciulli (& zabiela) on new year's eve ^_^ awesome set, cool track

btw, ran out is like....

"oh no, i've run out of ammo"
"oh no, i've got no ammo left"

i wasn't sure if you understood what i meant!

Whats ur biggest minus? I get annoyed quite easily, usually by the smallest things.
Fan of anime? I wouldn't say I'm a fan, but I do enjoy some anime from time to time.
Plans for weekend?? Leaving for Lübeck today, gna be back on Sunday.

Hope you'll have a great weekend dear <3
lot of fun in lübeck take some marzipan.. yummie! hope u have good weather ;)

Questions of the day:
Whats ur biggest minus? Lazyness
Fan of anime? Nope, hate anime so much
Plans for weekend?? Propably gonna stay home cause im sick :-(
hopefully u r better soon :)

why hate anime?
i've watched couple of episodes of many series and they all sucked donkey balls + i hate the drawing shit in general

Whats ur biggest minus? I get annoyed quite easily, usually by the smallest things.
Fan of anime? I wouldn't say I'm a fan, but I do enjoy some anime from time to time.
Plans for weekend?? nothing really, chilling in the shade, maybe open airs, idk

not sure about today and tommorow, going to a oneday festival on sunday though
Why the fuck are you using my smiley, that shit was discovered by me over 6 months ago

Proof to the world:

Delete those smileys immediately or pay the consequences.
i like the bad way so go on. flame me once more if u rly want to..

also i dont see u reason of complaining since u r not unique sorry :)
pls stop before u start :DDD
morning, slept bad. have the whole day freeeeeee.

1. lazy, impatient, selfish

2. hell no

3. hangout and go clubbing

1. I got too excited about too many things at once and often end up not finishing them in time / at all.

2. No.

3. Got saturday free, so bbq/sauna/etc today with buddies since the weather seems nice <3 Same drill tomorrow I guess, sunday chilling & movies.
Gonna get down on friday?
u will get down!!!!!!!!!!! tanellllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3
hey schnee (:

Whats ur biggest minus? unpunctuality :o
Fan of anime? No!
Plans for weekend?? Preparing a couple of tends and cars and other stuff togheter with my gf, my parents and a couple of friends to make a big camping tour through croatia starting on sunday night :)
1. lazy, i love to annoy ppl, wasting 2much money for partying, i cant say NO :/
2. no
3. today playing lol, tomorrow partying after work

i saw rapture ON!!!!!

"1. lazy, i love to annoy ppl, wasting 2much money for partying, i cant say NO :/
2. no"

lol u got me there :D
party pooper :'(
Schnee :o
why not this song anymore?
one of my fav all the time :)
It's always on cd in my car. I always listen to it if I drive in night/early morning :)
Last day at office before my 4 week long holiday starts + last day at my old appartment :)
i wish u a nice time with moving and hopefully ull find some time to chill <3
my biggest minus? won't tell it
anime? yus!
weekend? preparing for sea side :)
do u think i would make fun of ur biggest minus?and i wasnt talking about minus at ur body :PPPPPPPPP
rofl, I didn't even think about that haha :D nah, it's a bit for myself only and maybe only close friends know it :) don't need to post it on cf huehuehue
sup boy ?! :)
im tired :(

but gotta train in a few minutes
die erinnert ich sehr an mich ;)
die is derbe cool auf jeden fall :D
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

Whats ur biggest minus? Being lazy and stuff
Fan of anime? Hell no!
Plans for weekend?? idk, most likely trying to be sober this weekend + just chill, will see if it works out, didnt work out last weekend tho, can end up being wasted monkey as u never know what happens

That Cooller clip is awesome
Whats ur biggest minus? I am arrogant
Fan of anime1? Nop. Anime is for fags.

Plans for weekend??
Going to do a non-money-wasting weekend. Me and my friend will hitchhike a ride to Tallinn which is 100 km from us and then we have a club membership card, which means we get free entrance + there's 1h free drinks for men. We have to party till 6 a.m because then the buses and shit start to move again and we wont waste money on a taxi.

Hope my free Friday night comes out nicely :D
hihi ^^

Questions of the day:
Whats ur biggest minus? I care too much
Fan of anime? watched some cartoons before :PP might finally get blood alone -,-
Plans for weekend?? still no plans, might be going into the country for a drive (not me driving ofc :D) read book and maybe pub on saturday :>

there is plenty of things to see and do around swansea, bonus if you have car but still things to do around city area but ofc limited (like most places guess) :p
ofc can try recommend you stuff to do if you decide to come over :>
never ever say that your biggest minus is "caring too much"

It's like saying my biggest minus is being too perfectionist
well got no other minus I can think of, and it seems I care too much about people than I should, which inevitably lets me down in the end :-)
i would rent car then ofc. rest we talk laterz :)

got hols from 12th-16th september :D
1. i dont take anything seriously
2. aaawwww yyeeeeaaaahhhh
3. london for free drinks and metting old buds

now i have a question or you, if you had to choose between sky diving and bungee jumping what would you choose?
skydiving ofc!
agreed, most of my friends say bungee jumping because you fall like 4 times and sky diving you fall once ;p there can be nothing more peaceful than falling to earth with no noise but the wind and everything else is forgotten for those few minutes.

good answer! haha, now. What would win in a fight out of a taco and a grilled cheese sandwich?
grilled cheese sandwich ofc :))

be nothing more peaceful than falling to earth with no noise but the wind and everything else is forgotten for those few minutes - reason why i choosed this one ;)
actually sounds pretty therapeutic :D
Quote1. i dont take anything seriously

Same, and its sometimes littlebit annoying for some ppl 8)
Whats ur biggest minus? My dick is too long
Fan of anime? no
Plans for weekend?? Party hard friday/saturday non stop / chilling on sunday and progayming @night.
Yes, kinda annoying I have to roll it in my pants :{S
Btw, nice journal, rare on CF these days.
thx :)

i dont want to imagine :DDDDDD
Biggest minus - because I can't really think of one, let's say lack of self-awareness
Anime - nope
Weekend - smoke, game, music I guess, nothing special

Schnee, youtube kollektiv turmstrasse - endlos
One of the best things I've heard in ages
AWESOME track idd =)

how far away is it to u from swansea lan?
not far, few hours on the train/car, i will be attending as a spec if not a player
hmmmmmmmmmm.........! so prolly! :)
bored :(
call me tonite. now im at work :(
Good morning schneee :))
yep :) 2 hours 2 go till its weekend for me :) sup with u?
Enjoying holidays as much as i can, also working a bit to earn some money, chilling.. and praccing hard to go low ofc :D

off to swimming pool, cheers :-)
hello schnee, just ate a selfmade pizza was nice :)

Questions of the day:
Whats ur biggest minus? Im toooooo lazy
Fan of anime? some are crap some are nice
Plans for weekend?? today football match and after that some bears and tomorrow image: die-Holzachterbahn-im-Heide-Park-Soltau if the weather is good. on sunday somethign with the family i guess

have a nice weekend
my song for you:
Questions of the day:
Whats ur biggest minus? sleeping 2 long
Fan of anime? Yes ! Naruto and One Piece all the wayyyyy
Plans for weekend?? rly need to learn some economic english and economic maths :x writing exam in about 2 weeks

dont play so many LNM!

you forgot DB/Z
dbz oldschool y0

watched all episodes like 10 times already and naruto/one piece isnt finished yet :))

and ye 2 much ET atm :x but i always start at 21/22 clock ...i learn before
same here playing till 2 and sleeping till 11 -.- not good

yes anruto is really nice to also one piece, but imo one piece was better in th early episodes...
nope. it will get much better now :>

reading all the mangas atm ;P (waiting for newest manga)
how are the mangas?
well its nicer to watch the anime, because you can see all those fightingscenes, but a real onepiece /narutofan cant wait for the animes and read the mangas instead :P

storyline becomes rly interesting !
i see its much work to read them :D
maybe i will try it if im studying in bamberg too ;)
i love the old episodes a lot. did u watch the OP movies?
no didnt watche the movies. are they any good?
its like 5 episodes together in one movie
its good imo :)
ok will try it if i find them
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