NEVO going huge?

QuoteStrenx and Spart1e joining Next Evolution

Twinzzy(Rick) gone from NEVO and things getting huge right after? :P

OMGOAD!!!!!!!!! )(

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
wat happened to fnatic?
Dont have money/intrest to send quakers to Quakecon i guess
Same as mousesports

E: I was after spart1e, strenx and l1nkje before nevo took Bodzo. They couldn't join us as they had a contract at Fnatic.
They weren't going to send them to Quakecon so strenx & spart1e bailed out.

no money in ql > dump ql
if you read that for like 2 minutes and then you will look anywhere else you will still see that shitty site-design in front of you :(
still wondering, who puts all the money in there :-o
Same, +2ke / players for sure, prolly close to 3 :p
And how long will he continue doing that...
i hope its not felix since they used him already :x
what a lowbob sc2 division they have
they also took macedonian 1.6-squad xD
This is very strange and shady considering nevo never seem to have had any big teams in any big games (at least to my knowledge). I hope they are realy able to send strenx/spartie to the events...
Right. Cause Nevo started some months ago and needed the time to get organised. They have big names in Dota, CoD4 and QL right well the Macadonian CS scene
Don't need to talk about you as you've proven yourself at LAN already isn't it?
There are neither teams bringing money back by winning something, nor money giving sponsors or any other features like premium accounts or selling clothes that make this org a lasting business.

So, as much as I like how they espacially support the ET scene, I doubt this whole thing will last longer than the funding person feels like investing something.Without getting decent sponsors - talking from a managers perspective with own experiences - this whole project is doomed to end sooner than all guys involved want it to do.

Saying that, I dont want to talk the effort and the MGC bad but rather wish them good luck making sure things that are still missing will be achieved in time.

(ofc I'm not really into the whole story - only judging from what I see/read)
well surely everyone knows that and the teams in nevo know that too :P

my guess is the ql team are only there cos they want to go to quakecon, the cod4 team are only there cos there were no other offers with short term promises, and the et team are there cos et doesnt get a lot of support too :D

though getting a new alike system to run and actually make money from it seems impossible without investing alot beforehand. Question always is, if its well planned, which we unfortunately may doubt here
they won't do much, they'll be playing on a glove...

Quotefrom this day forth they will play under “nevo” tag and represent us at international events around the glove.
and here i thought rhand covered the entire cynism part for belgium^^
another big name will join them soon
no you... wait a
Really hope it lasts.
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