Except that JB can dance, sing a bit and is a fairly handsome, yet androgynous young fella, whereas Rebecca Black holds no actual quality whatsoever except for her apparent lack of self awareness.
because every single one of them liked the song naturally, still some sort of talent none the less, i give you that :P
(well 'friday' is a catchy song at least, annoying imo, but catchy)
Maybe the first 2-5 million. The rest was sheer media coverage of an internet "sensation". Keyboard Cat with all its reupped videos probably has a similar number of viewers and I dare to doubt the amount of talent it took for that video to be made.
just an internet senstation and shit. was exactly the plan of usher i think, to send out another kid who seems to be talented but just plain damn overrated. Then everyone is gonna flame, profit.
There are people which are 30 years older/younger than his/her partner :>
i dont care about age differences in general but imo 14 is rly young
e : my new flag is pretty awesome
E: Arachon fanboy.
edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlyXNRrsk4A (didn't know she was in this clip :D)
(well 'friday' is a catchy song at least, annoying imo, but catchy)
and its not even that bad.