schneeee overslept again!

Good morning peepz,

Arrived at work and I’m bit tired. I overslept cause I had to drive alone. I got luckily a sms so I woke up at 8.45^^ so last day for this week! And then 2 days off. I need to book finally a room at Mallorca. Still nothing so far.. .then I need to do some stuff for my apartment and imo a lot of parteeh if the weather will be nice soon. rain today :(

Questions of the day:

would you like to be an admin and why? Yes cause every site needs a very kind & friendly girl :x

colorful or unicolor clothes? OFC COLOR! =)

<3 song:
Schnee Song:

image: paul-walker-20070314-225968
image: Michelle_Rodriguez
image: rosie-huntington-whiteley-2

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael (finally back), CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko(!), .ee & fins =), the GANG(<3), m!das, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFEL!, ALAN (:o), vaiko (dumdidum) and my buddies + special to R.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

I’m bit addicted :D :
OMGOAD he’s fucking famous!! :o didn’t notice!

||I wish u all a nice day||

EDIT: its scatman's bday. so wish him all the best =)
Not really, but if I were, ban-rate would increase by 693%.

Few colors used together, most common is prolly black & red.

Dont like the skinny girl there :/

And nice day in my ass, 9-10h day at work and it is such a nice weather outside...
black and red? like the devil? :x

its shitty weather here today so its okay to stay at work^^
I see empty shnee's journal, so I post
just posted :) good morning :)
Good morning, about the question: Yes, I would like to be an admin bcoz I like power! But research say that men mostly think they are justice when they are not
men cannot stand with power imo. most guys going crazy. so i would say sry 2 u :'(
miNd` u failed :(
i just got there image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

See also how it fits on this post! hehe
only a smiley :'(

and u r still ONLINE: LEAVE ME NOW ALONE!!
i should, but i just cannot into moving lol! just finished my coffee, chatting on irc and then im gone, i promise
im proud of u image: heart

online again for a second, had to pick up my jacket as left it this place last weekend, everyone just left when i got here and decided to drink couple bears here before i continue my trip trololo, think i might have to drink one or two tonight :O
Not really

Hmm, think couple colors are cool but not too much :P

have a nice day cutie , thx <3

gtg now -.-
happy birthday and have a good day :)
You registered on your birthday :D

happy birthday. =)
good moaning...

I'm also le very tired :\ *yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn*
luckily its lunch break soon, then I will wake up for 30 minutes :D

would you like to be an admin and why?
mhmm yes and no. I like managing and organising stuff... but after I co-hosted a cup once (evu cup together with Poland homie) I must say it's too time-consuming and also you will have a few dozen of 15 year old idiots flaming you whenever you come online cause they're too stupid to enter their guids.

colorful or unicolor clothes?
depends... I guess I prefer unicolor, mostly black ;P but I got colored stuff too, I am not fucking gothic or anything.
Goth Manu is goth. Had business yesterday, wasnt home when you pmmed.
aaaah no problemo. gungy had "business" too. you know, he had noodles again ":D"
I am running slow, dont get the noodles reference :/
"had noodles" as in "was pooping furiously" ;D
Ach so. You live, you learn.
time-consuming and also you will have a few dozen of 15 year old idiots flaming you whenever you come online cause they're too stupid to enter their guids.

AIGHT!!!! big point i would change ^^ flaming newschoolers :P

btw lunchtime muhahahaha!
need less skinny girl @ pic

i'm not an admin anymore, so no :D

i try to wear colours =) usually no more than 1/2 colours though
i like the first one more :(
thats why i like u :)
i put her back as special :)
that picture of michelle rodriguez is kinda weak! FIND A BETTER ONE! :D
its my journal so no. i just followed the first replies and did a new. so no

see it like this. my journal. my rules. no flame. just friendly lovely peepz in here. no complain =)
well done. but can you please hide since im at work and when i scroll down to read everytime the guy next to me ask who is this :PPP!
yes ma'am, done!
my vote for schnee4admin, since you'd enforce pictures being hidden(..wouldn't you?) :)
yep i would :)

just for some (e.g. ccoollers tongue)
Like her even more now after googling 'round

blonds >*
shes a beauty imo! and since im skinny 2 i do like this girls :)

and blonde beste eh :)
not enough skin in the new pic.
my journal my rules
cmon now :9

image: rosie-huntington-whiteley1
hide pls due to work :/
i was listening to the glitz the other day, they're awesome =)

better girl, need less clothing more skin though!
my journal my rules :)

btw the glitz is andreas henneberg
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i thought it was a duo

p.s. your rules are shit, my journals have sexier women
u r a man. ur journal ur rules :)
Just got up since I decided that going to school for 2h (where we watch "The social Network") is useless.

After being ClanBase and ESL-Admin I think it can be fun but you need to have the time to do it, otherwise you'll be a bad admin...

colorful ofc, everytime I want to wear something black/grey I have to search through my stuff
so u stayed home. lucky u! :)

yeah well it always depends on my mood i have days i like to look like a lil mouse ;) (twice a year)
Morning :)

Questions of the day:

Would you like to be an admin and why? Not really. Posting random comments and gifs is enough for me.

Colorful or unicolor clothes? I don't have much colorful clothes if I'm honest. I usually wear black with a little color in between. I'm more of a panda than a parrot. :P

I'm a little annoyed, cuz I had to update my opera and I hate the update, cuz it looks like shit now and adasdasdadasad... I'll get used to it, but this really bugs me :D DAMN U OPERA!

Have a great day sweetie <3
image: selaimet

Couldnt find the good one :/
good morning süße. nicht fluchen. das steht dir nicht. erinner dich an gute zeiten :PPP

bin essen :*

Oh noez :OOOOOOO
Good Morning Saskia <3

admin? no.

clothes? depends mostly i mix black with colours like black pants and yellow shirt or sth like that :) or the other way round.

Have a nice day btw :p
like a bee! bssssssssssssssssssssssss
or a humM3L ? :'D
mhmm yeah depends ;P
or an angry hornisse GRRRRR
hey :)

like a beeee same thought^^ i like this when u play with colors! have a nice day sweetie
just back from my first exam this sem (marketing) was just fine!! :)

gL finding a cheap flight :)

oh and nowai about the admin thingi!!! cba to take care of all this idiots :)
flight i got alrdy. 160eur 2 ways just a room is missing :p
ich will auch marketing studieren! ._.
ich bin froh wenn ichs wieder los bin :D

geh auf fin&acc als schwerpunkt ab nächstem sem :)
finance & accounting und dann kommst zu mir und machst den boss :DDDDDDDD
wär doch mal was neues :P

my girlfriends little sisters (6 and 9) woke me up in a very rude manner yet I've had some coffee now and I feel alright :p gonna start on my breakfast soon. Haven't decided what I'm going to do today, only have some plans for tonight!

As for the admin part: no thank you, being admin would not suit me since I'm all pro-anarchy!
As for the clothes part: I like wearing a lot of grey and darkblue because I don't feel the need to stand out in a crowd with colorful stuff. I have plenty of other colors ofcourse, but I mostly wear those two colors!

Aaaaaand I'm probably going to mallorca as well from 22-29 august to atleast get some sun since the weather here is absolutely shite. I found some cheap ryan air tickets that will bring me back and forth for just 75 euro's. Haven't found a hotel/hostel yet but that should be no problem I guess. I went to Palma few years back. Really beautiful city and very good shopping/eating atmosphere!

I wish you a nice day at work :)

edit: dreamy song from nice harp-artist (Joanna Newsom - Es(a)me)
hi! i like the song. its cute :o

i got flight fropm berlin 2 ways 160euros
wtf im there the week before :)

u should visit es trenc when u go there. beautiful beach
would you like to be an admin and why? Yes, because the active ones suck :/
colorful or unicolor clothes? colors, but not too many..I like blue jeans and earth tones
FROp is nice guy :)

earth tones like brown?
brown, green, yes, but ofc also other colours (white, black, red, orange, whatever)

+ random epic story

image: rLe8y
muahhahahaa :DDDDDDD
Well, frankly not really. And about the colors, well it depends.
depends of ur mood the weather ur current status beeing single or wot? ;:)
hah, that's it.! But aswell, about what piece of clothing we are talking about.
the whole thingie :) so shoes pants hat shirt :P
Alrighty, mostly I wear one colored clothes but it's about your mood too. :o!
aight :)

i like it colored and in berlin u r allowed to wear everything noone cares. i hate all those ppl who starres at someone just cause it looks different than others :)
agreed, :9. Some people are just simply so mean!
its like on cf :'(

but u seem a friendly guy. well u r from finland ;)
well, gonna be honest here and say that I do like to act like a retard on internet sometimes. But for real, I'm a nice guy. :)
well we all like to act like retards from time to time but i try to stay natural and this is friendly :)
same here. but people do have bad habbit of prejudging. :)
iddd but im not fan of
wtf dont change ur text everytime. i reply totally wrong now :PPP!!
it's still the same, just forgot to paste the last part. :D
HA sleeping late again, naughty ^^
image: chikas_pink27

Had flight paid for me today to go Tenerife end of August, should be sick :F

would you like to be an admin and why? Could probably do a better job than half these cretins on here, but would probably annoy even more Poland nerds like my old post that brought rom Luk4ward <[email protected]>
date 31 March 2009 19:32
subject Response or i will contact with hosting admins or maybe police

Due to massive racist attacks (most against Polish), fascism, abusing i would like to report your site to the proper authorities. The ignition spark is right here: (url) [] . I really had a hope that your community is a good idea with people who really can do better for ET, but now it looks nothing like a big shit. Thx for reading

- My Reply

I have not read the thread in question as I am on vacation at the moment. However tomorow I will walk to the netcafe and block your ip's access to crossfire.

The Internet is a world of choice, I don't enjoy beastiality so I don't go to beastiality websites. You don't like the freedom of speach on crossfire and seeing as you don't have the self restraint to stop coming to the site I will help you by not making it possible for you to visit the site.

If you believe threats of legal action are a method of achieving change, you are wrong. This matter could have been solved politely but you chose otherwise, regardless I will review the thread in question and take any neccesary action.

Have a pleasent day

Sent from my mobile device

from Luk4ward <[email protected]>
subject Re: Response or i will contact with hosting admins or maybe police

However tomorow I will walk to the netcafe and block your ip's access
to crossfire.

It is not necessary. I can access the site via various IP, so i grab
enough data to report your shitty site. Just delete my account. If the
ppl from this topic wont be banned i will go further with this.

It goes on, but safe to say hats off to whoever angered this kid. I always enjoy reading legal threats!

colorful or unicolor clothes? Black ftw. Though do like other stuff ofc and got some crazy colour combos, but usual wear is black/blue jeans and shirt :>
would you like to be an admin and why?

cuz dont wanna be laik dis:

CF-Admins are like Pokemons. They evolve day by day, week by week, year by year.

I. Sol evolved to chosen
II. chosen to Baggiez
III. Baggiez to Krosan
IV. Krosan to Frop

Every step they are getting more cruel and more ruthless.

Quote by Pokemon

Frop has reached Lvl. 45. He has learned "revoking postingrights without a reason".
FROP is n1 :)
wont comment on that since i dont want to be banned again
he wont ban just cause of bit flame imo if he would i would change my miNd` about him
Kein Admin und unbunte Farben. :-)
ach man dabei würde farbe dir stehen :)
nackt steht dir sicher eh am besten
Good morning! :) Greetz from Croatia :D

I just woke up (hangoverstyle), don't know what happened.
But i'm pretty sure I promessed someone I'll go work here in some bar here next year from july-september :O

I don't want to be an admin, because it wouldn't have any use. I would be way too friendly & there is almost nothing that annoys me :D
I would be way too friendly & there is almost nothing that annoys me :D

same but shouldnt we share our friendlyness with all those haters and trach them how to behave proper? :to learn for future n stuff ;)

good morning btw i had alrdy lunch^^
You have a point there, but you have those ignorant people who try to pull you down to their level ='(

I rather share my friendliness with people that are friendly to me :D
If I was an admin, I would probably just do everything I could to annoy the guys who try too hard, and also the people who annoy me, which is a lot of people, so it wouldn't be a great idea

I wear only one colour t-shirts. Right now I'm wearing a yellow t-shirt with a purple logo on it, it's pretty cool :>
so its not one colored...? :D
i thought you might say that, but it's just a logo you know? I guess I have a different idea of colourful lol
:p colourful is like my jacket on my pic for me ;) i just had to answer this !
okay ill have a look
oh jesus that is colourful, lol
okay no that's not what I'm wearing lol :D i'm wearing something similar to this but yellow

I feel really boring now :D
Mee2, just got up
wtf im jelly .

good morning =)
af'noon ;) you're havin fun replying to all these nerds from 9am ? :P
:) im just friendly and if i wouldnt hav fun in replying then i wouldnt make a journal eh ;) its fun next to boring work today
btw hows life with lil baby? :D
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