sc2 - Macro Terran

need a macro terran for a lil bit of train <3
I playz PROtoss like the name sayz väry PRO i am!
thank you
me:macro terran 0:3 (in a row goddamnit)
nerdgame is for nerds
kebabboys are for making kebabs
polaks are for cutting asparagus
i thought they were for stealing
upgrades, drops, many tanks/vikings = winrar, broblem?
im toss!
indeed a problem
toss, and u're losing vs terran on macro games?
chargelots hightemplars colossus stalkers, upgrades, go DT for expo harass
= win

u're op race
had everything u mentioned except for the colossi.
my micro was very bad tough and i had immos which i had in the back didnt know about the range T_T cant wait for another terrangame.
thanks for the help :)
u'd better go for colossus instead of immo tbh, immos are good vs meca compositions.
And colossus will help u to force the terran to make vikings. If he's got too much just stay on warpgate units with huge upgrades. blink charge etc..
need to work on my micro imo the colossus dies very quickly with me. also i dont have rly steady builds i just know 3gate 1 robo 2gate 1 robo etc.
watch gsl finals right now and watch bomber
nah, not another nerd evening like homestory and Nasl..
besides..he's terran! i'm not :(
Depening on your current league; you have multiple Options;

.) Go to; there is a list of player in all leagues searching for trainpartner, etc.

.) Search for; Macro or Die - Custom Map (old GTAI incl.)

.) Search for "GTAI" ( Custom AI, that behaves (or atleast tries to) like an actual player.
***Depending on the Setting of the AI the Skill Range goes from High Gold - Masters)

****You can also tell that AI to choose a certain build, for example; 1 rax FE; timed hellion drop + rine push. etc. etc. ( You can choose out of 12 Builds for each race + the option ( if ur able to) code ur own builds wich you want the AI to use.
na hübsche, alles fein bei dir?
yep hab frei die nächsten 2 tage. und sitze wie auf kohlen dass ich endlich weg kann.

und bei dir? :)
Grad retour von nem Job Interview; top 2, Freitag "battle" ich mich noch gegen eine mir bis dato noch unbekannte Frau. Mal schaun, bis jetzt hab ich ein recht gutes Gefühl. ( HR - Managment).

Auf Kohlen sitzt du? Eine Frau mit deinem Feuer, sollte so eine Hitze doch mittlerweile gewohnt sein. ;)
uih na dann good luck am freitag.. gegen frauen ist meisst schwer afaik ;)

boah was fuer nen comment. da werd ich glatt rot :p
ty <3
i actually thought about such trainmaps in the morning, didnt know if they exist tough!
cu @IESF?
You are welcome.

IESF? Hm maybe at the national Finals in Vienna if i got nothing better to do.
But i defenitly will skip the Grand Finals since they are in Andong South Korea.
nah heute is qualifier #3 :)
werd zwar übelst abloosen aber vl lern ich ja ein zwei dinge
Oh, tja da sieht man wie sehr ich momentan im e-sports drinnen bin :P
Ich les grad; der dritte Qualifier spielt um 18:00. Stream dazu hab ich nicht gefunden.
Streamt die Spiele irgendwer? Wenn ja, wäre ein Link nice.

Na dann; gutes gelingen. Solange du nicht bei halu voids einen idraschn ragequit machst, ist alles fein.


Qualifier Stream:

LINK MICH: Qualifier
bin eh rausgeflogen in der zweiten runde,
bin ja bloß gold :) just for fun.
jedenfalls ist heut das finale prog vs. manking..
prog hat mich rausghaut T_T :D
it really depends on the map and if its close positions or not.
normally a terran losses to a protoss deathball with exceptions ofc. those exceptions are really good emp's on ur army but except that terran cant do much about ur deathball especially if u have high templars and you put good storms.
but i can help you out.
y gets sniped down too easy i'm lacking micro :D
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