i love crossfire.

Someone made a journal few days ago for best moments/journals/whatever in crossfire. Then i thought about this one. God it was entertaining to read this shit :D

and btw, wheres our beloved pulZa nowadays?

image: pulza

for newschoolers: http://dec.pp.fi/images/ blasts from the past (Finlanddecems ftp)
Maybe a long-haired black metal rock'n'roll punk fashion satan worshipper sacrificed him to the dark gods.
we only sacrifice virgins... oh wait
De afbeelding “http://dec.pp.fi/images/view/quotes” kan niet worden weergegeven, omdat deze fouten bevat.
try again

then quotes -> crossfire -> ????
working now.

cheers :)
blkmetal4lyf \m/ not kreig enuf 4 da long hairs of xfire :PPpp

I'm still happy with my from Luk4ward <[email protected]>
date 31 March 2009 19:32
subject Response or i will contact with hosting admins or maybe police
mailed-by wolfteam.pl

Due to massive racist attacks (most against Polish), fascism, abusing i would like to report your site to the proper authorities. The ignition spark is right here: (url) [www.crossfire.nu] . I really had a hope that your community is a good idea with people who really can do better for ET, but now it looks nothing like a big shit. Thx for reading

- My Reply

I have not read the thread in question as I am on vacation at the moment. However tomorow I will walk to the netcafe and block your ip's access to crossfire.

The Internet is a world of choice, I don't enjoy beastiality so I don't go to beastiality websites. You don't like the freedom of speach on crossfire and seeing as you don't have the self restraint to stop coming to the site I will help you by not making it possible for you to visit the site.

If you believe threats of legal action are a method of achieving change, you are wrong. This matter could have been solved politely but you chose otherwise, regardless I will review the thread in question and take any neccesary action.

Have a pleasent day

Sent from my mobile device

from Luk4ward <[email protected]>
subject Re: Response or i will contact with hosting admins or maybe police
mailed-by gmail.com

However tomorow I will walk to the netcafe and block your ip's access
to crossfire.

It is not necessary. I can access the site via various IP, so i grab
enough data to report your shitty site. Just delete my account. If the
ppl from this topic wont be banned i will go further with this.

It goes on, but safe to say hats off to whoever angered this kid. I always enjoy reading legal threats! to this fantastic site
are you / were you an admin once?
Nope, why =o
so why did u get that mail?
Stu posted it up some time ago in a journal after I pissed off that luk4ward/Poland guys in some journals :(
oh thats what you meant by contribution
wow pulza is a real faggot
direct link to cf quotes: http://dec.pp.fi/images/album/quotes/crossfire/

ps. link to best whatever journal that was made couple of days ago?
I knew someone who had a basset hound that had its hind legs removed after an accident and it had to walk around with one of those little buggies with wheels. If it had been my dog I would have asked for all its legs to be removed and replaced with wheels and had a remote control installed. I could charge neighbourhood kids for rides and enter it in races. If I did the same with a horse I could drive it to work. I would call it Steven.

David Thorne @ www.27bslash6.com
not sure if that was a troll back then, but i do remember this, and i know pulZa ^^
People replying to him reached a decent level of retard-ness as well tbh
agreed, bit over the top... good old times eh :d
Yea everyone with long hair is gay
or fuck ugly (hi me)
lol hellhammer <3

image: tokiohotel
I still remember that

And I still love that airstrike-screenshot with "Auf Wiedersehen" in it
i would love to say that pulza was one of the first guys trollin' hard on xfire

but he wasnt :)
troo, look at kamz, hes been trolling ever since he created his first account whether he realized it or not.
got to admit that pulza guy was funny :) i like his courage and and he got an answer to every guy :D
Yeah! Real internet balls!
image: frenchtards

sweet jesus
so lame answer, no wonder everyone hates/hated him :)
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