History repeats itself

Earlier this evening I was taking a leisure drive with my motorbike. Driving on speedway, I passed several cars and after a while I exited it via a ramp. I noticed one of the cars I had passed by was closing on me with high speed, otherwise I didnt really pay any attention.

I continued driving on urban areas for few kilometers. From my side mirror I saw the same car still being behind me and it raised my suspicion. I drove a complete circle on large area to see if the car was really going somewhere or just chasing me. To my surprise the car followed me all the way back to the point where the ramp, which I exited motorway from, was.

Starting to get a little nervous, I weighed my options:
1. Pull over and see what the driver and cars other possible inhabitants want
2. Start playing with them a little (not so smart idea)

So I picked the option 2. I engaged full-throttle, doubling the allowed speed-limit and bypassed multiple cars and actually managed to shake off the car. About 670 meters later (You soon know why I knew the length so accurately) I stopped in the traffic lights and OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE the car that had chased me drives next to me, a woman wearing cop-uniform showing "STOP POLICE" -sign.

I dont really know what my reactions were at that point, but after I pulled over I immediately gave them my drivers license before we even said anything to each other, but yeah, a fucking civil-police had followed me for the last 10-15 minutes, just pushing me and watching how I drive!!! Mercifully they gave me the chance to drive the bike back home.

Now I have no idea when I get my license back and I am really mad since I cant blame anyone else than myself.

TL;DR Wrote a journal because I feel depressed as fuck and constantly want to hit myself

E: Funny video I found when googling the translation for word ohitus

poor slarto :((
how did you not see it was a cop car? :D
civil police?
It was a normal civil-car with police-gear, siren and alarm-lights behind the front bumper. And I couldnt see what the driver looked like. (they were wearing normal uniforms....)
they are so annoying with their driving repression
Except for the speeding on the motorway, I wouldnt have done any of the other violations and I will bring that up next week... I wondered why in the name of fuck they didnt show stop-signal after I passed them at highway, but instead started to drive their bumper stitched to my ass for several kilometers. Fuck that makes mad...

E: I actually asked that from the officer and he was just like

"oh this is just how we monitor peoples driving-behavior lulz"


Just tell them that they acted like stalkers so u reacted the normal way (they d ve done the same) and that they can fuck off with their methods. Go on court lol. Dunno why but that makes me fucking mad.
It will most likely go court. The police just marked it as "serious carelessness" instead of "causing danger to other traffic" which makes it not-so-bad, but jury or whatever can change it... I also got the fine instantly there from the police, which is good. 168e -____-

The more I think of this case, the more mad I get towards them instead of myself
This is fucked up... And what Nellie said
Just say you have been getting death threats recently and when you thought someone was following you immediately thought the worst!
thats fucked up man :(

e: i dont get the journal title tho
Sad and hilarious at the same time, I lost my license 4 years ago almost at this same date

People usually complete their 2nd phase of driving school when they are 19 or 20. Im 22 and I still havent and now I cant complete it. I will be probably 24 when I can finally attend it.
I've never even completed the first phase :)) Will be 32 years old when I finally get mine
Were you speeding before you noticed them? If not surely you can make the argument that you feared for your own safety & that you were going to be robbed and as such reasonably fled?
First I was speeding at highway when I passed them (I take responsibility from that) and second time after I did a complete circle at some urban area and noticed they werent going anywhere, just following me. So yeah, I complain about it on Monday.
seriously mate, say that you have been stalked in the past and received death threats so you were scared for your own safety ...
if you're on a bike I'd say the first thought would be undercover police tbh, you should have just pulled off the motorway and parked somewhere and then see how they reacted. if they stop and start getting out their car without showing any ID then pull away on the bike
I have done such hindsights all night long...
live and learn.
kill cops, fuck bitches.
hows army my acid child
very nice. men are supermotivated and we are many. invading Estonia soon.
was kinda obvious lol.
technically the police can't do that.. If you drove harder than the allowed limit, they should have followed you with the sirene, meaning you had to pull over..
She didn't so you could have feared for your own life
You might have a case to actually win this, but I doubt it cause police covers up for each other.
They have the whole thing on tape, it shows many things that should back me up
make a "recruiting a lawyer" forumpost
Finnish police does indeed cover up for each other. A lot. In that aspect the justice system is pretty corrupted. Conveniently enough you don't find any direct implications of it in the media, though.
it's not the Finnish one.. and it's got nothing to do with corruption (in a way it is), see it as backing up your friends
Backing up your friends when you're an official is pretty much the very definition of corruption. Especially if it's related to the legal system, because that's supposed to be completely neutral.

But I see your point, backing up your friends is only natural. That doesn't make it any less wrong in such situations, though.
corruption involves money as well or some force forcing you.
If you studied a bit of philosophy, you can actually say our entire society can't be neutral, cause we judge on our own perceptions and they can varie in time & place
There's a term for that, nepotism, and in my books it is corruption. Each individual should be treated equally and no one should have special rights simply because they happen to know someone with authority.

Yeah, I know that's not the situation and that it's impossible to have a completely neutral society for that matter, but that is the ideal situation.
the point is, she was a person in authority at that time, that's completely different than if it would have happened if she was off duty
I'm not talking about this case in particular, but cases where an official might have behaved erroneously in general. The court tends to lean on the officer's side in these cases instead of being completely neutral.
I don't have any real examples of this ready, though, so I think it's kinda pointless to argue about this.
that's cause an officer is a person with authority and therefore more credible (supposed to be)
Oh, of course, from which we can conveniently transit to a person with authority abusing the said authority, which is often the case in situations where police officers are in court.
Did you seriously fall for the oldest trick in the book?
What you do in situations like that is make it obvious you know they're following you by driving into dead ends etc.
Wait, what are we laughing at?
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