Ass wiping strategy #2
25 Jul 2011, 22:02
Previously we made a journal about ass wiping strategy and folding the paper or scrunching it.
In current ventrilo discussion it has come to light that after scrunching said paper and wiping his rear end with it, perfo then proceeds to pinch a corner of the scrunch-fuck-ball of toilet roll using his hands like tweezers to turn the TP around and then wipe his with it to absorb excess drippage.
With the folding technique this sounds perfectly normal to me as you would fold the shitty side away leaving no risk of SHIT ON HANDS and then proceed to clean your tackle however perfos method just begs for SHIT ON HANDS.
how do you go about this conundrum?
In current ventrilo discussion it has come to light that after scrunching said paper and wiping his rear end with it, perfo then proceeds to pinch a corner of the scrunch-fuck-ball of toilet roll using his hands like tweezers to turn the TP around and then wipe his with it to absorb excess drippage.
With the folding technique this sounds perfectly normal to me as you would fold the shitty side away leaving no risk of SHIT ON HANDS and then proceed to clean your tackle however perfos method just begs for SHIT ON HANDS.
how do you go about this conundrum?
Oh wait, as an englishman you can't since the shower only gives out hot or cold water.
This motherfucker here. No, not the corner of the toilet paper roll. No, not the wall. The fucking shower. The remedy to all hangover diarrhea you might ever encounter in your life. No longer will you have to spend a full loo roll and still not be comfortable with the cleanness of your arse.
folding looks effortful