Drivers License #2

Sup cf,

so for those who saw my journal yesterday (
I did my theoretical exam today & i had 43/50
My brother had 37/50, FAILED ^^

Lets all hope i do better than there guys when i actualy start driving :)


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sweet! got my theory test August 6th :)
congratz =) gl for practice part!
i like ur tattoo girls!
how much does it take to get your license?

In Estonia i think it's min of 2 months when you drive a lot and are very eager to do them.

took me 3 months myself, but 2 weeks the center where you make final exam was on holiday :S
need to wait at least 3 months & then you can do ur exam, you can wait for 3 years max
And how long did took to make for you :D?
i practiced yesterday for my theoretical, cant do my practical yet
In France you have to get 37 correct answers out of 40 !
Je crois que la nouvelle règle impose trois fautes maximum maintenant.
Et ben putain, j'ai bien fait de le passer y'a 6 mois alors!
Bon, après vérification, il semblerait que ça soit toujours 5 fautes et que le passage à 3 soit toujours repoussé, au temps pour moi :D
i think that its kinda the same here

if u do more than 3 mistakes ur fucked
that last one isn't actually that stupid, if you're learning to drive and you let go of the clutch and someone panics you get that, the only thing is the effect was enormous
ohh wow gratz.
tell it your friends and not us.
u can officialy now die in a carfire while driving :d
gz ruBn mate :)
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