lil questions for you!

hohai crossfirers , i have several questions for you!

1/ i plan to buy a new screen so:

-does the ms thing rly effect while playin ET?

-which brand is ze best/worse?

- is a high hertz screen useful for playin ET?

2/i play w/o mouseskates since age so my mouse is eroding (ya'rly) and my aim sucks :XD so i plan to buy a teflon adhesive sheet or whatever it is called, if someone already test dat tell it if its goed
any other cheap idea ?
Benq XL2401T np :P
CRT monitor ftw
hyperglides ftw
got an old crt but its blurry as shit
12e for 3 piece of adhesive ? :/
12e only for going pro
Quote-does the ms thing rly effect while playin ET?

Not any more than in any other game. This is a controversial subject, but if your performance in this game is a matter of two milliseconds, then feel free to burn money getting a monitor with a small waste time.

Quote- is a high hertz screen useful for playin ET?

Some argue that it is, then again some say it isn't. It's a matter of personal preference. A good player will roll faces with a bad monitor, while a bad player won't suddenly become good with a 120Hz monitor. Essentially it only makes the game look a tad smoother. It doesn't actually change anything gameplay-wise.

Quoteany other cheap idea ?

If you have shit plastic skates somewhere, carefully wrapping tin foil over the contact surface and attaching it to the back using small strips of tape or glue could be a cheap-ass solution. And yes, I have used this.
where did you get tin foil from? :S

tin is quite toxic btw and by having this under your mouse, it will be spread all over your mousepad and then it gets on your hand balls, eventually poisening you.

e: i hope you meant aluminium foil :/
The regular kitchen foil you get from the supermarket. It's probably not actually tin but aluminium or something.

And seeing that its intended use is covering foodstuffs while cooking them in the oven (amongst other things), I doubt it leaves toxic traces around.
yeah, as I thought. I just looked it up and I was pretty surprised that one of the synonyms of aluminium foil is actually tin foil.

Just saying, if it would be tin foil, you would probably be almost or already dead.

Silver foil is ofc not toxic in these amounts.
How come? I haven't ever heard of tin being deadly toxic (high amounts of it in food is known to cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, though), and it would be pretty funny if it was seeing that tin canned food isn't exactly uncommon.
hand balls?
some direct translation from a german word
that's not that you actually said but i would better buy a high hz screen than a low ms one ? (if there is any who got both and which is quite cheap)

before playin w/o mousesk8, i used some rly wierd techniques too for my mouseskate but prefer smthg that last more nao :D
Usually low waste times and high Hz go hand in hand.
However, that depends, really. If I had to choose between a 4ms 120Hz monitor and a 2ms 60Hz monitor, I'd take the 120Hz one.
ouch jpense que jvais revoir mon budget a la hausse :F
pour du 120hz c'est un des moins cher le samsung que des bonnes critique dessus.
do you have this 2233RZ monitor? if yes, does it work fine with et?
Samsung Syncmaster ma biche! Y'a pas photo :)

Et oublie les patins, prends toi plutôt un bon mousepad genre steelseries Heavy, Qpad CT ou mieux même, le Puretrak Talent :)
Mec. Ma souris a plus qu'un patin tout usé (sur 3 au départ) bah sur un mantis control c'est deg. Les patins c'est la vie!
you are talkin shit, good mousepad without mousesk8 is useless (like you:P)

(mon tapis est très bien! jai joué pdt plus d'un an sans patins et cest assez horrible, les mouvements sont completements randoms cest un peu comme si tavais une souris sous lsd en fait :D)

had a syncmaster before, broke 1day after i bought it woooo
Tu lui a fait une éjac faciale à ton écran ou quoi? 3 ans que j'ai le mien et il fonctionne comme au premier jour. Et pour la souris, t'avais qu'à pas niquer tes patins.
Tout est dit :>
le mien aussi tête de bite
Ouais bah je m'en étais pas rendu compte. Y a des drivers pu quoi pour que ca se ressente?
You're buying a new screen only for ET? BECAUSE OF ET?! Choose your screen for movie etc. >75hz is good.
I bought Flatron LG 21" 1920*1080 and I love it. Color are beautiful.
pro dont watch movie sorry, except braintutorial by eujen
Braintutorial? Haha send the link!
well, when I was playing on CRT, it was really easy to hit anybody. Now, on my LCD I feel like everybody got 200 hp, weird
Hmmm. I don't think it comes from the screen, probably moe about the new config, etpro etc.
don't think so, i've changed: inet (from radio to cable), modem, mouse, cpu, lowered temps and that didn't help, everyone is so fucking unhit:D
Weird stuff... Try r_mode custom?
don't buy it at walmart
about $400 I suppose
too expansive get an anlienware for this price.
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