schNee says good morning

Good morning peepz,

Just arrived, Overslept, Got wakeup call had 5 minutes to get ready… sooooo yeah it’s raining. My mood is not that good tbh :P but it is already Thursday… !!! it’s getting busy now at work due to month end close. But still big bosses not here so no pressure from them. :) So I wish u a nice day! Just one day 2 go for the hard workers. GO FOR COFFFEEEEEEEEEEE

Questions of the day:
Are u addicted to smth? Music & cigarettes: x
do u have a fav word u say/use a lot? MOEP!

Great Set:
Schnee Song:

image: 1.568
image: GeilerArsch

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda, Michael (finally back), CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko (U R LATE AS ALWAYS), .ee & fins (KKKPPKPKRPKPRRPKKRP) =), the GANG(my channel ofc), m!das, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFEL, ALAN and my buddies + special to R.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

||I wish u all a nice day||

morning, gna shower now, brb

1 - Computer & Buchstabe
2 - Doofkopf / Fräulein
3 - Summer is awfull, i had 3 weeks vacation and its only rainrainrainrainrainrainrain :(
addicted to letters? :o
yes :) but only the pretty one!
the name of my bar/cafe in future should have name LETTERS cause all my books should be in... :OOOO WTF!!!!!!!
good morning schnee <3 :>

dont ask me why Im up already, most likely cause I wanna see some oldsql episodes of scrubs.. having a coffee with milk & sugar atm, + Coke Vanilla <- best stuff ever!

About ur questionZ: Im addicted to music ofc, but I think Im also addicted to drive fast 8D I'm also kinda addicted to Computers ofc, but I manage to have a good rl as well ;>
My fav word: eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
About this summer: Was decent so far, I mostly do not have much time around midday/afternoon cause Im working at that time, but I managed to enjoy the sun already a few times..

Great Song:
Great Fragmovie:

anyway, gonna do some moviemaking stuff now until my workshift starts (14-21:30), and enjoy my early morning :)

Have a nice day saskia :)
have a nice day 2.

im addicted to my car as well and driving fast., i always want to be first :P
good moaning,

my mood is much better than yesterday. ungrumpy wsk is ungrumpy. even though I'm drinking horrible coffee that is made of wood obviously...ugh :D

Are u addicted to smth?
yes, addicted to nerding x)

do u have a fav word u say/use a lot?
yes: tired x)

this summer is great! there was nice weather when I was on vacation, now its ~20° and I dont die from all the heat. working with 38° in the office isn't really that much of fun.

have a nice day schneeeee and everyone else
I see what you did there
what did I do there?
I see it! You see it! We all see it!
well i dont need 38° in office true BUT i want summer. i was not at lake swimming so far and we alrdy have end of july :OO

have anice day ;)
lakes are full of ehec and überall sind bremsen anyway ;D go to zeh hallenbad maybe?

3 hours til feierabend, when is yours?
Are u addicted to smth? cigarettes.started at 13 old and never had a brake on them :(

do u have a fav word u say/use a lot? cursing alot :( so... to many words to put in

AND WTF IS THIS SUMMER?! Hot as hell over here,but it's cool enough.still I want another vacation

Have a nice day!
i wish u a nice day2 . =)

i hate this cigarette addiction tbh but always i stop i start again at latest at partying :/
idd :) tryed even some electonic cigaretts,everything fine till i drinked a glass of beer :)
moornin schschsch

addicted to slacking off
no fav word, but ive got periodical fav smileys, right now its :OPDOPDOPDODPODPDPOP

typical estonian summer here, some heat, some rain (heavy thunderstorm last night), happy that it hasnt been too hot constantly, hate that z_+
at least u dont do cohen smileys ;)

have a nice day!
Morning :)

1. Music, my car, umlaut and nerdnerdnerdnerd
2. I have a billion of favorite words tbh.. and ofc I can't think of one right now x)

Gym today, yes no yes no yes no... no. :D Gna do some laundry and groceries later on and then nerdnerdnerding at home :)

i would like to nerd around with u :*
Hey schnee! song for you, maybe it will up lift your spirit :D. Love how summery it is. Even if the weather is shit we can still rely on music to make it feel like summer :p

1. cigarettes, gaming and drinking (not really addicted but i do it a lot)
2. swish and dope
3. craving better weather =[
hi boy :)

like the song! i drink a lot but imo its no addiction. imo i could party also w/o alc.... aehmm at least i thinki i could :PP

have a nice day ;)
i think youve helped suss it out for me :D im not addicted to drinking, im addicted to going to parties and i always drink at parties. Kind of like saying im not addicted to food but i am addicted to eating
tried it but no addiction. im to crazy then. even moren than now alrdy ;)
canot see song. fuckingnazicountry. post name pls :)
Are u addicted to smth? Yes. Yes I am.
do u have a fav word u say/use a lot? Hmm, not that I can think of any.
AND WTF IS THIS SUMMER?! This summer is hot hot hot. Yesterday was such a nice day, had to get drunk with buddies. Off to work soon, little bit thirsty, not bad.

EDIT: And one day in my ass, got saturday too :/ You lazy germans...
:DDDDDDDD i have to work from time to time at weeeknds and late nites too so pls^^

what what is ur addiction what what thomm??

have a good day!
1) food/gaming
2) not that i can think of
3) summer's been awesome for me =)
but its not warm that much just some days :/

addiicted to food? hoepfully cooking and not fast food! <3

1)addicted to doing nothing special and wasting time
3) too much rain :/ but hot enough

random photo from Warsaw from this week :/
hi 2 u :)

nice picture! :O have a nice day!
Are u addicted to smth? antidepressants
Do u have a fav word u say/use a lot? spamming ":(((((((" ingame at least twice a second
AND WTF IS THIS SUMMER? it's been raining for two weeks in Belgium :(

le fu :(
wtf sad panda???! :ooo
Morning girl ;)

Are u addicted to smth?Coffee, but I can stop drinking it everytime I want, I'll just miss it :P It's so tasty!
do u have a fav word u say/use a lot? lysy (&#322;ysy, eng. bald-headed) I use it to call everyone, no matter what :P
AND WTF IS THIS SUMMER?! This summer is sucking cocks, ffs... It's raining too often and it's f*cking cold :/ Can't even play with some girls on the beach...

song for you:
hey boy! coffee is the best idd

have a nice day :)
Good morning,

Questions of the day:
Are u addicted to smth?
do u have a fav word u say/use a lot?... ffs
AND WTF IS THIS SUMMER?! ...summer is pretty gay. no vacation yet, always work and gay weather too
Good morning!
Was quite late at work aswell so i ll stay until 5 now :(
Also there is no meeting today, fuck yeah :D
Addicted to nerding obviously :D
A word I love to use: can't think of one now
This summer is so fucked up. Feels like its autumn or so. Annoying.

Oh and did I mention already: wsk is old <3
:DD don't be mad :( your old heart won't make it long anymore if you are raging :DD
good afternoon :)

no meetings here today :) yeah i will leave at 5 for sure. and finally hopefully i wanted to play a round tonite with the peepz (but yesterday i was at pub and my et crashed again after 10minutes :/)

will see!
Good morning!

Are u addicted to smth? Coffee, music, red bull :z
do u have a fav word u say/use a lot? nothing i can think of now
AND WTF IS THIS SUMMER? Hottest summer in 20 years I guess
yeah i dunno what happened seems now the nordish countries have our summer ;)

have a good day!
Good mowning!

Are u addicted to smth? Music, computer/internet (T.T)
do u have a fav word u say/use a lot? IRL probably not, but VITTU while gaming
AND WTF IS THIS SUMMER?! SICK SUMMER, 30 degrees and sun whole summer even since beginning of may, like 10 rainy days since may. Can't complain lol.
nerd. addicted to computers
hi boy! i wish u a nice day :)

i like moro and moi although its no flaming but dunno i like :D
moin sweetie ^.^

ych, i woke up and can't rly remember last night. headashe is cranky, but my mate is coming in 1 hour with some top notch merch so will survive i think.

are you addicted to smth? ofc i am: weed, cigs, cpma & stretching. couldn't start a day properly without any of them (still it happens from time to time ;x blame poland)
do u have a fav word u say/use a lot? i don't overuse because its incorrect (at least in polish, especially when it comes repeat same phrase twice or more in one sentence, thats why i always try to find synonyms to every single word :O)
and i don't rly think that WTF IS THIS SUMMER?! was a serious question ;D but its fine, i enjoy colder weather during summer but besides that its going good so far.

cheers and keep up good work, xx
1 music, painkillers and coffee
2 no

have a nice day
have a nice day too :)
i am only addicted to you Saskia <3
OMG :o

i never know this could happen one day!
boah reg dich auf. ab morgen biste mit dabei ;)
woke up. hangover, nasty bday last night.

1. nothing really

2. sta ce jadna majka htjela je najbolje :D
from ur brother?? :)

is this a flaming ??!

wish u a good day!
my friend's bday, my brother's was last saturday :)

that line is not flame, just simply awesome.
sry mixed it up!

can u translate pls?!
Just saying hi to a fellow aquarius, hi <3 !
hey sui :) had good day so far? prolly im avi to play tonite :)
Yeah so far so good, just working on my blog site. Hows things at the office (besides of what u wrote in the journal ;D) ?^^

Okay good to hear, looking forward to it! ;)
Good morning,

1. cigarettes, rugby (when I don't play I'm dreaming awaken I'm playing...)

2.Man, I use it a lot of time when I want to speak to a guy.

3. I thought that this weather was tipycal from Germany, but apparently no!
hi boy :) well usually we have hot summers and berlin is mostly nice weather but atm its shit and there are so many open airs atm. .:/

well w/e have a nice day!
have a nice day too lady.
great! HAVE A LOT OF FUN!"!!!!!!!!
Packing my stuff, gonna go see Niagara Falls :>. Going with 23 people. :D
hallo schnee :)
good morning :)
Questions of the day:
Are u addicted to smth? Music & cigarettes: x
do u have a fav word u say/use a lot? MOEP!

Cigarettes, Pussy
I don't know, but it's cold..
moep moep! hi2u :)
i hope special to R is me
...... yes yes ofc....

Are u addicted to smth? Music & watching k-1
do u have a fav word u say/use a lot? ok/cancer
saw u using cunt and cancer a lot tru :P

btw, update your template

hows u? all good? :)
the template you use to make these journals.
what is NOT okay WITH THIS TEMPLATE????!!!
1) Addiction towards: Liquor, Weed & Violence(in-games :X)
2) YUH! You can hear me shout that when I walk somewhere..
3) I had great start of vacation in Lloret de Mar(spain) now I'm chillin & relaxin

GL with that..
good morning2u
1. ofc music
2. no idea:D

and this summer is fucked up like last year.

nice set?
good afternoon. u ul by urself but u r not the one who did it?! anyway i like and cannot open utube naziigerman country says no
Example 'Changed The Way You Kiss Me, thats that yt link
example is awesome!!!!!
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