nevo over?

[14:04] * Q changes topic to '«»Next Evolution. ESC «»We are over it seems, zac is has been so inactive we have nothing for squads so guys we are so sorry.. «»'
[14:04] * nevo\Inferno is now known as Inferno`Cless
[14:06] * seNz- ([email protected]) has joined #NextEvolution
[14:06] <@nevo\R-BOT> Global bot owner has joined this channel. (seNz-)
[14:06] <seNz-> ;o
[14:06] * Inferno`Cless sets mode: +b *!*
[14:06] * This *!* ban affects: +nevo-English, +nevo-news
[14:07] * nevo-English was kicked by Inferno`Cless (nevo-English)
[14:07] * nevo-news was kicked by Inferno`Cless (nevo-news)
[14:07] * Inferno`Cless sets mode: +b *!*
[14:07] * This *!* ban affects: +nevo-Service
[14:07] * nevo-Service was kicked by Inferno`Cless (nevo-Service)

Other info on that in FinlandmiNdm8's journal here

Quote by Official Statement From NEVO SiteWe have not been in contact with our head manager for the last 2 weeks and therefore i decided to close it for now. Whenever Zac "Imag" Bell finds the time to reopen Next-Evolution again he can do so. I will not be waiting for this moment.

Im sorry for all our players, managers, coders, writers and followers and i will do whatever i can do make their transition as smoothly as possible.

Bye and keep fragging.

[16:28] <@Inferno`Cless> nevo is dead:O
[16:28] <Jesus__> it is
[16:28] <Vanhaomena> let's fuck the corpse
he mad bro?
zac = imag?
Last Seen: Wednesday 27th July 11
guess the plan to sell packages for 15k$ / year didnt work out too well :D
They had a plan to sell some sponsorship packets or so, gold silver bronze, different levels and all.

Last time i heard imaG talking about it he said that he has a buyer alredy but didnt wanna sell yet cause value of the packages would get higher with strenx & spartie and upcoming big names etc etc, most like this was huge bullshit anyway, who knows.
Who are all these pro managers? Do they have some ET history beside last LAN? I don't know a single name.
Dont really know much, all i know is that Felix guy who apparently was used pretty damm well, lol. ( paid pretty much all of it cause happens to have money )
lost around 400-500 euros but could be worse.
Want to lose another one and finish the heatwave challenge?

i would sponsor you with 10 euros!
sponsor me with 7 :D
That desperate for alcohol eh?
if it was for alcohol, I would say 5 euro. 5 euro buys me 0,5l of vodka :D
You can mix it with 7! But I guess polaks don't do that..
They don't know how :DDDDDDDD
FYI that's not too much of a stupid plan
Could be, yea, i dont know myself too much about how do the big mgc's work out theyr moneys
wow never seen this coming!!
olol D: Oh well, cu at gamescon Felix ;)
shitty org since day 1
Sucks balls for strenx & spart1e :(
spartie wasnt supposed to be paid anyway was he
well he said that if he wasn't sponsored, he would pay on his own tho.
I kinda quoted it in journal already :D
but later ive commented it
what about heatwave challenge?
Quote by heatwave adminno idea
Good question
cherry would maybe continue it but there wont be any prizepot
I want to see dignitas try and play serious now :D
QuoteWe have not been in contact with our head manager for the last 2 weeks

aren't able to manage 2weeks without him?
at least now NEVO-ET has a reason to dodge PHX.
we werent going there anyway most likely
Thought you didn't want to but NEVO was forcing you guys to? :o
nope, we asked to go and they said they could sponsor us
but after a while it was unsure everyone would be able to go and some ppl lost some motivation
NE is too ":D"

and I informed merlinator already yesterday
oh you ":D"
Has nevo ever had any contracts with someone?
Cuz I cant find them entered as a company anywhere (like Team-Dignitas ltd)
Thats also a reason why I left in first place. And no they don't have any registration as company. But they have a contract with the .Dota team ;-)
So its a contract between a person from Nevo and the team? That person could be fucked right now...

So how did they get any sponsoring money (blue elph?)?
Could u q me at #WinFakt I'll explain a bit. Cant be arsed on CF
thank you for speaking on behalf of nevo...
You are welcome sir :-)
<WinFakt|Rickk> HJAHAHAHa
<WinFakt|Rickk> Ahahaha
<WinFakt|Rickk> aRFUIebwguiowebg
<WinFakt|Rickk> ge
<WinFakt|Rickk> wbeugbwogb
<WinFakt|Rickk> OMFG
<WinFakt|Rickk> :D:D

wadafak? :d
that was long time ago when nevo sayd they cant pay all and cant keep up with promises they made :)

this multigaming clan was made to fail in one point
Read "nevo" backwards to see where these liars belong
Thank you Felix for all your effort you put into that project.
:< ImaG was also staff of zeroE months ago , but the project failed and he made NEVO with Inferno.
sad for their dota team, they are already bootcamping in Ukraine for ASUS
these news are so new i doubt the players actually know about that
newspost in the making right there...
thats professional journalism!
I was suggesting you wrote a newspost about this :(
lol no :P i was just implying he is not speaking the truth :)
sup with the belgians now?
I am so surprised, can't believe it!
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