PeRfOp G0T TaLeNt

Last week, Netherlands perfop(e11) performed a piece from the game Pangya as part of the Pangya's Got Talent competition and came 4th.

CONGRATS PERFOM8, gift me some pang? xx

image: CNCIF

image: lIDPN

random girl
image: JNP75
get the fuck out
Dutch's got talent.
Chick reminds me of a lesbian in my class.
How soothing, too bad you ain't first, bet aza would've won though!
4th place agaaain
i'm surprised a wiadro toxic duet didn't take 4th place home
Splendid job jasperm8
Pretty hot there perfo.
just - get a better piano :)
Hasn't been tuned for ~5 months with me banging on it every day.

Doesn't do much good to a shitty piano. Gonna buy a grand in a week. :D
steinway & sons ! ;)
so sorry man - i edited :''''(
Quotewith me banging on it every day.

image: KGRfY
That girl...... no.
less panyao more payano
piano is gay
handsome guy this jasperpop
what am I supposed to do with that girl?
oh perfo, you delicious bastard

link to winner for those interested
Asian, what a surprise:D
Was pretty amazing :]
think this is actually pretty nice, so what did take the first place?
aah :) well that one sounds quite a lot better idd, too bad its a keyboard :/
those are some long fingers right there mate
Pretty good
perfo got music in his veins, silly solveiguetta !
I think I'm in love. :D
nice piano ownage perfo
wtf @ these comments though? :D
image: FrhYH
standard skk vent
lol, thought so.. i prefer your entry over the winner btw
The song is shit, play classic next time !
this changed my life
nice nice
Beautifull piece
nerd in the flesh
so romantic <3
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