The Dvorak transition - Day one

(previous journal)

The first day of my noble quest is nearing its eve. Already I have overcome the first obstacle in my course: I remember the locations of all the keys. However the second, much larger obstacle of getting all the keys to muscle memory still remains.
I've made some progress in that regard - already some more common words, such as 'the' and 'and' come mostly from the backbone - but I'm still far from proficient.

One thing I've noticed is how much I had adapted to qwerty. Typing on it came so naturally it didn't even feel like typing. After ten years, the qwerty had become a part of me. Getting rid of it felt almost like losing a limb. However, I am getting used to this. Indeed this is like learning to handwrite using your secondary hand, except that the initial output is just slow, not slow and messy.

My typing speed is still very slow, although it has improved from the initial 7 words per minute to 16 words per minute. Still feels extremely slow compared to my 119wpm speed on qwerty.

Getting there!
GL! skilled and nice, take him
this guy deserves a good team :)
good player, GL finding something
We already know you are learning something new and completely useless, you hipster. I guess there isnt any other reason than trying to look cool to post this stupid process-journals twice a day.
QuoteAnyway, since learning a new layout is basically learning to touch-type from scratch, and the only way to learn touch-typing is by typing things, I figured I'd make a nightly log on the progress of my quest, at least until I get over the initial crankiness.

There's no stopping me!
and not a single fuck was given
so what happens when you go to a friends or public place such as internet cafe or library and cant type on a qwerty keyboard properly anymore because of your meez-like niche pisslord bullshit?
Either I change the layout or just write on the qwerty layout. I doubt I'm just going to forget something I've done for ten years just like that.
i'd guess both are a lot more hassle than it's worth, and ofc you're not going to forget how to qwerty type but you'll make a lot more mistakes/be slower on one because of it
It's not that big of a deal to change the library or a school computer if necessary (I can do it in ten seconds flat), but you have some point. Doesn't really bother me as pretty much the only computer I use is my own, though. Especially so as soon as I can be arsed to purchase a laptop.
119 words/minute has some room to decrease and still be extremely fast :D
I doubt it'll be that bad, I know the english layout on multiple languages having travelled so much.
Hope you're not as retarded as me: I learned NEO, now I can't type with qwerty anymore (it feels extremely awkward) :D
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