Format c

Hello there,

i'm gonna format c my pc. what are the things that I should not forget to save on an external hard disk?

image: tumblr_ksm8kbuuUG1qa8iba
already saved the holy stuff
ur porn folder
game cfgs
mouse settings
things you've downloaded recently
browser links (?)
Personal files (music, videos, pictures)
All I saved when I reformatted was pictures, music, ET configs, and the first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. That's all a man needs.
Your background pic, i always lose it :)
Why do you always lose his background pic?
Your net drivers :D
make program list with ccleaner
some %appdata% stuffs .. cant be wrong
Prob backup your games, saves for any sp games. Any torrents films etc. If your in school you should save that. Yeah internet drivers if you got wireless.
your C:\
nice pic :P

on win7/vista maybe the whole user folder?

backup settings from all programs (firefox,thunderbird,msn,skype,ftp-progs,irc, vent & ts servers, hlsw server list......).. maybe some settings which u always use for auto-login (bnc password,....)
Ok :) thxs mate
your username's folder(s), application data, some other stuff that might be on your desktop exept for shortcuts
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