Squall and Andersson Brink final

Brink final Assembly Summer in Finland


Congratulations Andersson and sQUALL for winning Brink LAN final!!!!!
actually watching this atm
'streaming in 3rd person view'

image: 1449233_o
game is brink.
tori black :3
wut do they win?
2000€ for the winner team
watched the last round, looks shit
Lagging like shit or it's me ?
squall hero gg
I see squall smiling
vai että oikee mitallitki xd

edit: woot reloads little brother is there too
No sound for me lulz
I thought the only team that signed up was Epsilon and anderson told me he wasn't going, oh well :P gz!
maybe replay ?
awesome final :D

as far as I know 4 teams were supposed to attend, but in the end only 2 mix teams showed up and there was some skill difference between the teams..

pretty easy 2k€ for the winners!
bad timing, all good teams @ quakecon
tane is eSports
earning and living a lifestyle outa gaming :D gl
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