The Dvorak transition - Day two

Everyone's favourite A diary or daily record of a person, organization, vessel etc. time!

Nothing remarkable today except for a relatively significant increase in speed. I'm now at 25wpm, which is a big improvement from the 17 I was at last night. I also suspect typing speed might increase overnight, as I already ranked at 25wpm today right after waking up, while I was at 17 before going to bed.

I am curious to see if the speed improvement is gradual or whether it will "spike" at some point, or perhaps the speed gain will slow down over time. We'll see and I'll be sure to keep you posted! ;)

On a side note, maybe I actually should learn to handwrite using my left hand, too. It'd be cool.
how bored are you ?
lol I'd learn to use a dvorak layout before attempting to write with my left hand, I'm like a handicapped kid with my left hand :Dl
Well, I learnt to fap using my left hand, to be able to browse the web at the same time, so learning to write can't be too hard.

Uutta journalii plz, näitä on jännä lukee
i had a dream where i slit a mans throat with a cheramical knife and then was sentenced to 20 years in prison, it was very real and very scary. but i got off with only 2 days and no, i wasn't assraped, was in a solitary cell.
Clearly you are a potential mass murderer and should be locked away just to be safe.
Hello seareal #2. With all due respect, noone gives a shit.
You can't properly measure typing-speed in words per minute. And I know they do it like that in a lot of countries and imho the person that introduced it in that country is a fucking moron that deserves a darwin-award.
Word in this context is defined as 5 letters (spaces count), so 25wpm is 100 letters per minute. And the test was English.
I know the rules of the WPM system, I just think it's stupid. Just call it characters per minute, because that's what you're typing.
If you take it that specifically it should actually be called words per minute. You type words slower than single character simply because they consists of different combinations of characters.

I could type hundreds of characters a minute, but what I would have typed wouldn't make sense. It makes more sense to measure how many sensible words you can type per minute.
I get what you are trying to say but it doesn't make any sense. In a character per minute test you actually type a text and not, like you implied, random characters. After you are done, the amount of characters including spaces are counted and the typo's are subtracted. Words per minute means jack shit measurement-wise because not all words are of equal length. And also the subject of what you are typing about could lead to longer words on average. That's why they use a "5 character is one word" model in the "words per minute" approach. All I was saying is that that's just a bullshit term because what they are actually doing is still counting characters and per 5 characters they call it a word. They should just stick with the term that describes the activity, which is "characters per minute".
Ye, you're right. Words per minute just doesn't seem like a very odd term to me. After all, you're typing words. But it's basically just unnecessary to call it words per minute.
your social life must be fun fun fun fun
image: Marisa-Elise-showing-off-her-ass-in-a-yellow-thong-for-ShowGirlz-Exclusive

DAT ASS DUDE! well, try to get some irl cuz u seem to need it!
yah, great ass, however the fake tits and the fact that she's cheap enough to stand half naked in a fountain sort of blows it for me.
It's well known that you pic of attetion and concentration is around 10 or 11am, few hours after waking up.
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