One year without ET

Hi my fellows :D

So it's almost been one year since i left ET for gym. I'd like to show u my results after 3 month of running and one month on gim. When i started I had 97 ( weight ) and now
i've got 90. Let's tell me what do u think about it and about going on gym.
BTW when i was playin Et i was like a fat guy xD

image: 20110716180728
its retarded
playin Et is retarded. get life xD
trolling at forums instead is great way of spending your time.
no, you are retarded

...ever thought of doing both, gym and games?

what Techniker sayed.
get some face and muscle.
i want to have atlethic body. I dont want to look like a dog without neck
got face no need for muscles
anyway 90 is still pretty much.. seems like your quite tall.
yee i'm 192 still i need to burn more fat, i want to have sth like 84/85
nice panties u got there btw.
i go to the gim aswell XD
good job put a pants on next time
ey when do you wanna play?:C
i can play @ 20:30 not later
okey any day?
ask my teammates when they are avi ? :P
ok who are playing :)?
i think IceQ and JUICY
cant do both?
7kg in 3/4 months?
ive constantly been losing 4.125kg/month since dec 2010 while gaining strenght. come at me bro
yee but i eat normally i havent got any daiet and what more i dont take any of steroids
Define "normal" :-P

Good results though! Doesn't matter how long it took or how little you lost compared to others in the same time. Also zerender will have some fun with losing the last 10 kgs! :-D
Normal i mean by this that i eat what i was eating buti i'm trying eat less than more ofc
haha was just trying to be a jerk. it doesnt matter how long it takes as long as people keep progressing and are happy. keep going to the gym koosikk!
Ty i will :)
Agreed :) Eg. I lost 10 kg in 15 months. Some may say it's not an impressive achievement but fuck that, I feel better and I'm pretty sure I won't have an "yoyo effect" :D
lost around 3kg in 2 weeks of cardio and a bit of muscu

july: around 3 weeks of cardio and muscu, i lost 5,2kg

even ate pizza, doner and some "bad food" during these periods and still lost some kg :d

just eating less than before
So how much you have gained strength? It pretty much comes from giving right stimulus to CNS at the beginner-phase, I remember losing fat from my belly and still progressing on lifts. Didnt last for long though.
How much have you lost by now?
This was last winter when I started exercising. ;P I dont know the exact numbers
Ah yes, I stopped after -7kg's. Too hard to drop weight at summer time. I will start it at January again and finish the task.
why is there a guy in shorts on my crossfire?
because crossfire make dreams come true
weird dreams you have :s
ye :c well what did you saw?
im gonna show myself naked to the entire ET community, this is a great idea. Taking a picture like this is awesome as well. redneck
u forgot about taking pictures of their tuna/pills.

i'm gonna make journals of making my own food as well, bunch of filthy douches
you're a retard. going to need before pic to judge anything, i'm gonna start hitting up the gym in 3 weeks. whole summer sitting around eating shit and drinking hasn't done me any good.
1 year and 3 months here without et
You've been in gym for one year!?
no for one month
still pretty long time :/
1 month of gym doesn´t turn everyone in a hulk you know.
read again 1 whole month in gym, day n night

i think hirvi meant it the same way
you look hungry
gym is fucking retarded. Go to practice a REAL sport.
u lost 7kg in 1 year?

i lost 13kg in 7 months :)
1 year without ET

3 months of running + 1 month of gym

thats what he wrote
cant compare it anyway x
QuoteBTW when i was playin Et i was like a fat guy xD

So according to that you had no life while playing ET, as a result you were fat (it's logical, there is no way of becoming fat by playin ET few hours per week). Now you stopped playing ET, and went to gym instead. So in other words you just swapped ET -> Gym + running ( or am i wrong, cannot understand the full part of you journal), right? So if you had no life while playing ET then you swapped it to gym + running, that means you are still a no life (I assume you are going to gym only for workout).

image: yeahhhh
What else would you go to the gym for?
Good trade
QuoteSo it's almost been one year since i left ET for gym

you don't need to play ET all day all night so you don't have time for anything else, nice excuses that because of ET you couldn't go for a gym :o just limit it and play like 1-2 hours a day (or only 2-3x per week at evenings with 'clan'). So as you can see ET would take 'only' 5-10% time of your day and the rest of it is for you (e.g. gym , running , shitting, fapping).

btw. I like these journals that people write nowadays about magical weight losing. How because of ET I can't lose any weight so I have to quit it and suddenly I become cool & skinny guy.
Good job! Keep up the cardio work and don't become a buffed-up monkey like the majority of our crossfire fitness "experts". Stay with regular healthy food, no need to go on a diet. Losing weigth slowly is the best way to go (depends on the starting weight of course).
Congrats, now bulk up :P Can't do ET and gym at the same time ? :)

Crossfire needs a fitness clan with progressions imo!
Seems like an okayish body, just keep working on :)
Would have been better with a "before" photo as well!
play ET & do Gym!
ET & lil home workout
image: Foto_0555
some have also good genetics, like erts here.For them progression is faster and easyer, but alot depends of eating around 50% of the real gym.
for athletic body m8 you would need more endurance program, with lower weights and more reps and sets.
People tho are different, some say heavy helps them more, just try out various things, where 1 fails the other succsseeds.
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